1、Unit threeCommunicative language teaching b. Meaning is primary; c. Task completion has some priority; d. The assessment of the task is in terms of outcomes.,(4) Characteristics of a task-based teaching and learning,a. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in target la...
Unit twoIntroduction to language Teaching Approaches M words in L1; m words in L2; If M m, where is I,2 Basic Principles
实用英语教学法教程教学课件-Chapter 10 Teaching vocabulary.ppt,Chapter 10 Teaching Vocabulary 10.1 The nature of vocabulary 10.2 The role of vocabulary 10.3 Aspects of vocabulary 10.4 Principles for teaching vocabulary 10.5 Methods of teaching vocabulary
Theperiodfromthe1950stothe1980shasoftenbeenreferredtoas"TheAgeofMethods”.Eg.SituationalLanguageTeaching(theUnitedKingdom)VsAudio-Lingualism(theUnitedStates)TheGrammarTranslation Method(语法翻译法)1.语法翻译法的语言观:语言是书面语,语言是一种知识,是由语音、语法和词汇构成的符号体系 2.翻译法的主要...
In this lesson,I will mainly use“Task-based teaching method”,“Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”,and so on. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, to help the Ss to get a better understanding of thekeystructureof the dialogue by...
IntroductiontolanguageTeaching Approaches&Methods 2021-8-301 1.TheGrammar-translationMethod (1)TheoreticalBasis ●Psychologicalsupport:FacultyPsychology TheFacultyPsychologistsbelievedthatthemindof humanbeingshadvariousfacultieswhichcouldbetrained separately.Understandingandmemorizationof ...
The Effective Methods of English Vocabulary Teaching 热度: The effective methods of improving the quality of English Vocabulary Teaching 提高英语词汇教学质量的有效方法 热度: 有效教学effective teaching【精品-ppt】 热度: 相关推荐 MethodsforEffectiveTeaching:MeetingtheNeedsofAllStudents,2013,PaulR. ...
1.Definition2.Background3.Theory4.Theprincipalcharacteristics5.Teachingprocedure6.Advantagesanddisadvantages TheGrammar-TranslationMethodis amethodofforeignorsecondlanguageteachingwhichusestranslationandgrammarstudyasthemainteachingandlearningactivities.Background ItwasfirstusedintheteachingoftheclassicallanguagesofLatinand...
A Comparative Study on Evaluation of Chalk and Board Over Power Point Presentation (PPT) As Methods of Teaching Anatomy to First Year Medical Students in Skims Medical College, Beminadoi:10.18535/JMSCR/V5I6.59Sajad Hamid