SE76 SAPscript: Form Translation SAPscript: 翻译格式 SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles SAPscript 翻译样式 SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts SAPscript:标准文本 SE71 SAPscript form SAP脚本格式 SE72 SAPscript styles SAPscript 样式 SARP Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute 报表(树结构):执行 SART Display...
CV01N - Create Document CL31 - Search Field From ClassCation CV04N - Find Document: Selection Criteria S001 - Login SAP Initial Screen. /NEX - To log off from the system without a confirmation prompt /NEND -To log off from the system SM36 - Define Background Job SM37 - Overview Backg...
TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) TCODE规则 01 create 02 change 03 display 知道TCode查SAP menu 路径我刚开始学SAP的时候,我都是从同事或者网上先知道TCode, 而不知道这个TCode是在SAP menu的哪个路径下, 想知道这个TCode 是在SAP哪个 路径, 从而了解更多与它相关其它的Function. SAP 有一个标准的TCode...
SAP中常用SE系列TCODE汇总SE01递交传输请求(统一服务器的不同client)SE03修改本地对象的开发类SE06请求传输方面SE09运输组织者,查询传输请求SE10请求传输SE11维护ABAP数据字典SE12揭示数据字典结构SE13|SE14|SE15数据字典相干SE16|SE17察看表数据SE18|SE19 BADI编译SE21建开发类SE24CLASS制作器SE30ABAP运行分析SE...
Variant Transaction: This methods is used to execute programs with custom default values or screen field properties. How to create a new tcode in SAP For creating a new transaction code in SAP, we need to use SE93 tcode. After entering the tcode, we need to give a unique name and des...
SAP中常用SE系列TCODE汇总.pdf,SAP 中常用 SE 系列 TCODE 汇总 SE01 递 交传输请求 (统 一服 务 器的不同 client) SE03 修改本地 对 象的 开发类 SE06 请 求传输方面 SE09 运 输组织 者,查询传输请 求 SE10 请 求传输 SE11 维护 ABAP 数据字典 SE12 揭 示数据字典 结构 SE
We are allowed to execute OBCE in production system, as we have to enter customer numbers there. Those customers do not exist in a DEV system, hence a transport does not make sense. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, regis...
SCOT SAPConnect: Administration(System Status) SPRO Execute Project SPRO_ADMIN Project Administration SCU3 IMG Logging SST0 Project Analysis SE10 Transport Organizer(Extended View) SCPR3 Display and Maintain BC Sets SCPR20 Activation of BC Sets ...
login/fails_to_user_lock 用于控制输错密码锁定次数(1-99) se43 定制显示在用户主菜单中sap标准菜单条目 1. Su01---默认---startmenu---区域菜单(填写定制菜单) 2. Pfcg---找到common role---添加tcode---从范围菜单(填写定制菜单) se56 看自己的ID...
to Applicatn 将工作中心类别分配到应用 OP96 Maintain Work Center Category 维护工作中心类别 OP97 Maintain Performance Efficiency Rate 维护效率 OP98 Maintain Validity of Perf.Effic.Rate 维护绩效效率的有效性 OLPS Customizing basic data 系统定制基本数据 OP01 Customizing Routing/Work Center 定制工艺路线/...