CT11 Where-Used List for Char. Values 所用处对字符值列表 GENC Generate Source Code 生成源代码 O020 Record Layout for BTCI (Classes) BTCI (类)的记录格式 O021 Class Data Transfer 类别数据传输 第4 页 TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) O023 Display Class Maintenance Data File 显示类维护数据文...
Hi Gurus, I would to seek help from you. What tcode am I going to use for me to check class interface. Thanks in advance! Virgilio
SEARCH_SAP_MENU From the SAP Easy Access screen, type it in the command field and you will be able to search the standard SAP menu for transaction codes / keywords. It will return the nodes to follow for you. SEU Object Browser SHD0 Transaction variant maintenance SM04 Overview of Users (...
MTV for MI07(盘点记帐) 701 :实际盘点-盘盈 702 :实际盘点-盘亏 XI: SAP XI常用事务代码 IDX2查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOC mate date转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样 IDX5根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XML messages in idoc adapter IDX1查看IDOC Port (port maintenance...
SAP XI常用的TCODE SAPXI常用的TCODE 文章分类:行业应用 IDX2查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOCmatedate转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样 IDX5根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XMLmessagesinidocadapter IDX1查看IDOCPort(portmaintenanceinidocadapter)在这个里配置destination(这个在SM59...
SAP 常用T-Code (Continue...) SAP 常用T-Code SPRO - Customizing :Execute Project SE38 - ABAP Edit SE37 - Function ,BAPI SE24 - Class Defation SE19 - BADI Edit SM12 - List Lock Eidt Progam User SE03 - UnLock Task / Request# For SE10 Delete Request#...
Wt EANs 维护号码范围5-指标Wt EANs WRST Transfer Master Data for Matl Maint. 物料维护的传输主数据 OW01 Ref. plant per distribution chain 每个分销链的参考工厂一些有用的SAP技术TCODE Background Processing RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor SM36 Schedule Background Job SM36WIZ Job definition wizard SM37...
Communication Interfaces URL - Remote Communications URL - ALE programming guide URL - about sap customer exits URL - RFC programming in abap URL - how to create a global class URL - SAP business workflow URL - BAPIs for Mass Data Transfer URL - BAPI user guide URL - IDOC URL - BAPI pr...
If it is in the locked list, asked the user to log out before you _deleteit from the locked list. 5: Maintain Storage Location MMSC – Collective entry of Storage Location for a material. 某种物料的库存地点的汇总条目 _insertnew or _deleteun-used Storage Location. (添加新的,或者删除没有...