Then in that case take the “IMG Activity” Go to table- “CUS_IMGACH” IMG activities Enter IMG activity (ACTIVITY) - then Execute (F8) and get TCODE-Transaction Code 方法六:runFM S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY_READ 其实到了这一步还找不到TCODE,多半也就算了吧,估计是SAP不推荐或者不想让你用TCO...
SE71 - SAPScript Layouts Create/Change SE72 - SAPscript styles SE73 - SAPscript font maintenance (revised) SE74 - SAPscript format conversion SE75 - SAPscript Settings SE76 - SAPscript Translation Layout Sets SE77 - SAPscript Translation Styles SE80 - ABAP/4 Development Workbench SE81 - S...
SEARCH_SAP_MENU Show the menu path to use to execute a given tcode. You can search by transaction code or menu text. DI02 ABAP/4 Repository Information System: Tables. LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench. An addon available from SAP that can make data converstion a lot easier. OSS1 S...
TCODE规则及SAP交易事务码(TCODE) TCODE规则 01 create 02 change 03 display 知道TCode查SAP menu 路径我刚开始学SAP的时候,我都是从同事或者网上先知道TCode, 而不知道这个TCode是在SAP menu的哪个路径下, 想知道这个TCode 是在SAP哪个 路径, 从而了解更多与它相关其它的Function. SAP 有一个标准的TCode...
SE37 执行 S_CUSM G_ACTIVITY_READ找至U TCODE搞不懂S_ALR*这种TCODE是个什么鬼意思,可能是 SAP AG还没想好短TCODE,先给个临时代号吧Structure Editor: Display IMG_ACnVTTY_HEADERfrom Entry & 也7|T H Q Cokm Mrato:Otfrnmra idC 口TDOIISX叩珈JRWlSKIN浙顾並朋S血FM?侧SM8T0M2OTW3.找到短T...
SAP Basis常用T-code代码 事务码 描述(中英文) SBIT Menu 菜单 SBTA Test background processing 后台处理测试 SBTU Background processing for user 对用户的后台处理 SM36 Define Background Job 定义后台作业 SM37 Background Job Overview 后台作业概览 SM39 Job Analysis 作业分析 SM49 Execute external OS ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, The other way of doing it. 1. Instead of creating your queries in SQ01, use SQVI. Create a query in your production system. 2. Now execute the query. When you have reached the selection screen, go to System > Status. 3. Copy the program name...
printer setting problem, maybe chinese language package to be installed; Please check the device type in SAP , if you use CNSAPWIN, it should be ok.; 我改了设备类型为CNSAPWIN,还是一样的,汉字打成 “#” 如果设置都没问题的话,可能是SAP打印服务程序有问题。我们以前也遇到过,后来请sap的顾问改了...
If I implement a custom Z tcode, it's necessary to do an authority check of my tcode at the beginning of the program or SAP does it automatically? I.e. if the user haven't got permission to execute it, SAP doesn't permit to execute it without entering in the code? Thnks. Reply...