TB-PPD联合IGRA双重检测结核感染的灵敏度提高为96%。 一项研究显示,在预备进行TNF治疗的患者中,TB-PPD检测显示LTBI感染率估计为8.0%;IGRA检测显示LTBI感染率估计为6.9%;若以TB-PPD或IGRA阳性为阳性,则LTBI的估计感染率增长至11.1%。联合使用...
IGRA试验特异度与灵敏度均较高,试验快速简便,可作为是否存在结核感染的参考,但不能区分结核潜伏感染和活动性结核病,阴性结果可作为排除结核感染的参考。 不建议将IGRA用于疗效监测。在治疗活动性结核过程中IGRA数值变化幅度不反映抗结核疗效。结核病治愈患者IGRA可阳性...
TST 检测 在收集 TB-IGRA 检测用新鲜全 血的 同时 ,对所有人选患者开展 T ST 检测。TST 检测 按 常规 方法开展 ,皮内注射 PPD ( 5 IU ) ,72 h 后观 察注射部位 的反 应情况。由于卡介苗接种者 PPD 注射 部位会 取消 明显 的红 肿 ,因此 临床 上一般 以红 肿硬 块直 径≥ 15 mm 和...
目的 比较结核分枝杆菌γ-干扰素体外释放试验(TB-IGRA)与结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)在临床上用于检测MTB感染者的应用价值.方法 TB-IGRA与TST平行检测对147例菌培阳性肺结核患者,并分析年龄,性别和是否接种卡介苗对各自检测性能的影响.TST分别比较红肿硬块直径 ≥5mm(TST5)和≥15mm(TST15)者.结果 TB-IGRA和TST5的检出...
[中文文摘]目的比较结核分枝杆菌γ-干扰素体外释放试验(TB-IGRA)与结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)在临床上用于检测MTB感染者的应用价值.方法 TB-IGRA与TST平行检测对147例菌培阳性肺结核患者,并分析年龄,性别和是否接种卡介苗对各自检测性能的影响.TST分别比较红肿硬块直径≥5mm(TST5)和≥15mm(TST15)者.结果 TB-IGRA和TST...
Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) (TST and IGRA have low sensitivity in immunocompromised hosts) Histopathological demonstration of granuloma (non specific and can be seen in histoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, autoimmune diseases) Culture NAAT Miliary TB Small (1-2 mm) granulomas develop in mult...
tuberculin skin test (TST) IGRA done as a screening test or during contact investigation Suspicion for TB is higher in patients who have fever, cough lasting > 2 to 3 weeks, night sweats, weight loss, and/or lymphadenopathy and in patients with possible TB exposure (eg, via infectious ...
However, a validated predictive test for progression to active TB is still lacking. Preventing TB disease from LTBI is crucial for achieving WHO elimination goals (World Health Organization, 2015, Denholm et al., 2020). However, mass preventive therapy based on IGRA or TST screening in TB-...
A TB skin test may be performed to screen for TB infections or to assist in diagnosing TB disease: Screening for TB infection:Screening for TB infection means testing for TB in a patient without symptoms. Screening is often conducted when someone has a high risk of having tuberculosis and wou...