Those treatments, however, are known to undermine patients' ability to contain tuberculosis (TB) infection. This study aims to describe interferon-纬 release assay (IGRA) results in severe COVID-19 patients eligible for immunosuppressive treatment. Aggregate data were gathered from five hospitals in ...
TB disease is when a person’s immune system is not able to control the infection of TB bacteria; it is sometimes called active tuberculosis. People with TB disease usually show TB symptoms and can spread TB to others. A TB blood test can be used as a screening test for TB infection or...
2.2 TB-IGRA诊断藏族肺结核方法学评价 50例结核病患者TB-IGRA检测阳性为43例,阴性为7例;27例非结核患者TB-IGRA检测阳性为5例,阴性为22例。TB-IGRA检测藏族结核的敏感性为86%,特异性为81.5%,误诊率为18.5%,漏诊率为14%。50例结核病患者涂片查抗酸杆菌检测阳性为11例,阴性为39例;27例非结核患者TB-IGRA检测...
目录 contents 1.结核病的诊断现状2.TB-IGRA产品介绍3.TB-IGRA的临床应用4.TB-IGRA检测方法及结果解释 结核病现状 A 3 •结核病(tuberculosis)是由结核分枝杆菌(tuberclebacillus)引起的一种慢性肉芽肿性炎。•以肺结核最常见,死亡人数仅次于艾滋病。也可见于全身各器官。肺外结核占整个发病率的10%-20%,...
目录 contents 1.结核病的诊断现状2.TB-IGRA产品介绍3.TB-IGRA的临床应用4.TB-IGRA检测方法及结果解释 结核病现状 A 3 •结核病(tuberculosis)是由结核分枝杆菌(tuberclebacillus)引起的一种慢性肉芽肿性炎。•以肺结核最常见,死亡人数仅次于艾滋病。也可见于全身各器官。肺外结核占整个发病率的10%-20%,...
Conclusion The TB-IGRA test has a high sensitivity and specificity for thediagnosis of tuberculosis, which has a higher clinical diagnostic value for tuberculosis in Baoji area.KEYWORDS: tuberculosis; tuberculosis interferon gamma release assay (TB-IGRA); tuberculosis antibody testDOI: 10.19347/j.cnki...
重庆金域医学检验所有限公司 结核T细胞检测(TB-IGRA) 有效解决结核病实验室检测难题 重庆金域·市场部 2014-01-20 目 录结核检测发展趋势 2 二、TB-IGRA检测原理及方法 3 三、TB-IGRA检测试剂的优势 4 四、开展TB-IGRA检测的意义五、TB-IGRA全国使用情况摘要 10 六、重庆地区TB-IGRA项目收费标准 11 七、报告...
结核感染T细胞 γ 干扰素释放试验(TB-IGRA)在结核病诊断中的应用
结核感染T细胞(TB-IGRA)检测及意义[宣讲].ppt,World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis control:epidemiology,strategy, financing:WHO report 2011(WHO/HTM/TB/2011.16).Geneva:WHO,2011 2010年新发880万例结核患者,59%在亚洲,26%在非洲 * 精品PPT | 借鉴参考 发