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Molecular and Cellular Biology(MCB) is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biology of all eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The journal is edited by leading investigators in the life sciences, and decisions are based solely on scientific merit....
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and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is academics, as well as the practitioner at all levels of practice. The journal encourages dialogue between practitioners and academics to expand the scientific body of knowledge about all facets of marketing and advertising research, and to ‘to furthe...
research into European issues, stimulating research in finance within Europe, encouraging the international exchange of ideas, theories and the practical application of methodologies and playing a positive role in the development of the infrastructure for finance research, teaching and practice throughout ...
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JORS is published 12 times a year and is the flagship journal of the Operational Research Society. It is the aim of JORS to present papers which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. However, since OR is primarily an applied science, it is a major objective of the jo...
The scope includes the clinical laboratory aspects of detection, prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, prognosis, and management of disease, including cancer and metabolic disease; biochemistry, genetics and immunobiology of disease; biomarkers and their application; genomic and proteomic approaches; and trends...