Taylor & Francis Online Provides access to more than 2,700 high-quality, cross-disciplinary journals spanning Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Healthcare. Go to site Taylor & Francis eBooks One of the world’s largest collections of eBooks in science...
For over 50 years, Substance Use & Misuse (formerly The International Journal of the Addictions) has provided a unique international multidisciplinary venue for the exchange of original research, theories, policy analyses, and unresolved issues concerning substance use and misuse (licit and illicit drug...
Fintech startups in Germany: firm failure, funding success, and innovation capacity Lars Hornufet al. Article |Published online: 31 Jan 2025 Skewness and option prices under stochastic volatility models: the role of shot-noise jumps Wei Linet al. ...
and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is academics, as well as the practitioner at all levels of practice. The journal encourages dialogue between practitioners and academics to expand the scientific body of knowledge about all facets of marketing and advertising research, and to ‘to furthe...
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Aims and scopeJournal metrics Editorial board The principal aim of Biological Rhythm Research is to cover any aspect of research into the broad topic of biological rhythms. The area covered can range from studies at the genetic or molecular level to those of behavioural or clinical topics. It ...
Publishes articles on amyloid protein groups and associated disorders such as Alzheimer’s, fibrillogenesis, amyloidosis and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
Autophagy publishes research on autophagic processes, to advance understanding of the connection between autophagy and human health and disease.