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Intimacy, loneliness and sexual offenders As part of a general theory of sexual offending, it is suggested that the failure to achieve intimacy in relations with adults produces emotional loneliness, which leads to an aggressive disposition. and a tendency to pursue sex with div... WL Marshall ...
期刊主页:Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk | Taylor & Francis Online ( Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk期刊发表与地理空间(GIS 和 GPS)和遥感技术应用于自然灾害风险管理的研究。旨在提出新概念、新方法以及通过地理空间和遥感技术进行监测、测绘、风险消减、风险脆弱性和自然灾害预警方面的...
今天老板注册Taylor & Francis Online,但是填完信息要提交的时候网页上无法显示验证码,连输入验证码的框也没有(见下图),我在网上查了查,还是没有解决,换电脑,换网络都不行,不知道有没有前辈遇到过相同的问题,希望可以指点迷津,在此先谢过了! QQ图片20150701171841.png 返回小木虫查看更多分享...