Taqman Copy Number Assay定制界面: https://www.thermofisher.com/order/custom-genomic-products/tools/copy-number-variation/ 定制成功后,网站会返回Assay ID,使用Assay ID及货号即可下单。 Q7、对于定制的Assays,是否可以使用之前已有的Assay ID直接下单? A: 可以。 Q8、对于TaqMan Gene Expression Assay或TaqMan ...
可将产品进行并排比较 勾选多个Assay ID 可选择比较功能,以方便选择您最合意的Assay。 进入TaqManTM SNP基因分型检测的 搜索界面 搜索工具升级 现在搜索及订购TaqMan™ SNP 基因分型检测试剂盒更加简单 除了SNP基因分型检测,TaqMan™ Asaay应用方向还有很多,如基因表达,micro RNA表达 等等,TaqMan™ Asaay提供超...
Q44、在查找TaqMan Gene Expression Assays时,如果有多个搜索结果,该如何选择? A: 首先确保物种类型无误;需客户查看Assay details,根据位置和扩增片段大小进行选择。如无特殊要求,可选择标注有Best Coverage的Assay ID。 Q45、TaqMan Gene Expression Assays的包装规格是基于什么样的反应体积得到的? A: 基于20 uL的反...
TaqMan assays can help you answer a wide range of research questions and have been cited in more publications than any other qPCR assay product. All assays are designed to work in PCR reactions running universal cycling conditions. This makes it easy to ru...
Product TypeGene Expression Assay QuantityS (360 reactions/360 μL), made to order Shipping ConditionRoom Temperature SpeciesC. elegans, Cattle/Bovine, Dog/Canine, Drosophila, Horse/Equine, Swine/Porcine, Chicken, Zebrafish, Horse, Arabidopsis, Rabbit, Porcine, Rat, Human, Monkey, Mouse ...
TaqMan Mutation Detection Assay的搜索方法(图6): 1. 选择“Mutation Detection”; 2. 根据实验所选用的平台选择“Digital PCR”或者“Real-Time PCR”; 3. 在“Enter target information”下的对话框中输入基因名称、COSMIC ID等关键词; 4. 如果要查询多个Mutation Assay,也可以点击“Enter/Upload Multiple Targe...
This assay workflow utilizes the prepared stabilizing buffer as described in this section. Prepare the standard curve The plasmids used to prepare the standard curve for TREC and KREC quantitation are as follows. Target TREC KREC GeneArt™ Construct ID 18ACJFZP 18ACJFTP Size in base pairs (bp...
赛默飞提供超过20万种预设计TaqMan 检测试剂盒以涵盖几乎所有qPCR应用 扫码了解更多 使用TaqMan Assay搜索向导轻松锁定最适合您的实验的检测产品 扫码了解更多 相关推荐视频 您也可以关注赛默飞基因科学视频号 观看更多Taq Talk系列视频
"Minimal Set", one of the most innovative features in the program, helps design the fewest number of allele specific oligonucleotide primers and dual labeled probes that uniquely identify each of the desired species/strain/taxa from the mix, lowering assay costs. For taxa or cross species ...
Simply click on the actively linked assay ID and access the full product details Results can be filtered by Gene, Assay ID, Tissue and Species Use the toggle on the right to display “All Assays” or “Endogenous Controls” Hit the “...