Blanchard P; Guillot S; Antunez K; Koglberger H; Kryger P; de Miranda JR; Franco S; Chauzat M-P; Thiery R; Ribiere M, Development and validation of a real-time two-step RT-qPCR TaqMan(R) assay for quantitation of Sacbrood virus (SBV) and its application to a field survey of ...
This new multiplex RT-qPCR assay has a performance nearly equivalent to the previously developed assay, as well as with conventional ERVA VP7-specific and ERVB VP6-specific RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Cell Lines, Viruses, and Viral RNA MA-104 cells (ATCC®...
TaqMan® Non-coding RNA、MicroRNA 和定制 TaqMan® Assay 全面汇集了用于 ncRNA 表达谱分析与定量检测的实时荧光定量PCR Assay Life Technologies 公司的 TaqMan® Assay 产品组合包括多种非编码 RNA(ncRNA) Assay。这些 ncRNA Assay 是更好地了解转录调控、信使 RNA稳定和翻译、表观遗传调控和大分子复合体...
可特异地、重现地定量长 ncRNA 的表达水平 TaqMan® Non-coding RNA Assay 的特色包括: 1.基于经验证的 TaqMan® Assay 技术并使用现成的 Assay 设计流水线 2.可特异地、重现地定量长 ncRNA 表达水平 3.适用人类、小鼠和大鼠 Life Tech新浪微博 Life Tech优酷视频Copyright...
assay for quantitation of Sacbrood virus (SBV) and its application to a field survey ... Development and validation of a real-time two-step RT-qPCR TaqMan((R)) assay for quantitation of Sacbrood virus (SBV) and its application to a field... Koglberger,H.,Antunez,... - 《Journal of...
The overall efficiency and reliability of the assay was improved through the use of an internal control assay and the development of methods that allow reliable RNA extraction from strawberry. The performance of the new test was compared to conventional and nested RT-PCR, and the results are ...
The TaqMan庐 real-time PCR assay using the mitochondrial D-loop region was developed for the quantitative detection of pork in processed meat products. The newly designed primers and probe specifically amplified pork without any cross-reactivity with non-target animal species. The limit of detection...
1.利用特征基因簇和高检出率获得明确等位基因分型结果 2.经验证可用于 TaqMan® SNP 基因分型和拷贝数 Assay 3.极佳的 PCR 前和 PCR 后稳定性,可用于高通量设置和分析 4.利用优化的预混液 (2X) 获得出众的性能 Life Tech新浪微博 Life Tech优酷视频Copyright...
1.快速 —— 只需不到 1 小时即可利用原始的生物学样本获得 SNP 基因 分型结果 2.简单 —— 只需几次移液步骤的简短实验方案 3.稳定 —— 可利用任何样本获得高度准确的结果,且无需 DNA 定量 4.灵活 —— 经验证可用于多种 Custom TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assay,并 ...
► 经验证可用于多种实时荧光定量 PCR 应用领域,包括 microRNA Assay TaqMan®Fast Advanced Master Mix可以达到甚至超过标准预混液的性能,且能够在更短的运行时间内(<40 分钟)获得与当前方法相当或更佳的结果。 最佳性能 TaqMan®Fast Advanced Master Mix可提供与您目前使用的标准预混液相当甚至更佳的性能。