Each predesigned TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assay is delivered in a single tube consisting of two differentially labeled allele-specific TaqMan MGB (minor groove binding) probes and a pair of PCR primers. For more information, please see the following link: https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/...
In addition to using a no template control, we suggest that you use a positive control (sample with a known SNP genotype). This will help you assess the performance of an assay. Unfortunately, we do not offer positive controls for this product line. Visit the Genotyping section of the Real...
Q14、TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays能否在BioRad CFX或者LC480上使用? A:不推荐,但可以尝试,可能会影响准确性。TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays推荐在AB品牌的定量PCR仪器上使用,我们对Assays在AB品牌仪器上的表现做过验证,结果也可以使用专用分型软件Genotyper进行分析。 Q15、如果需要定制TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays,...
TaqMan Performance Guarantee* ensures the assay will work as described or we’ll replace it Each TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assay includes two differentially labeled, allele-specific TaqMan MGB probes and a PCR primer pair that uniquely amplify and provide unmatched specificity for the allele of interest....
A:常用Taqman Assay的定制可通过赛默飞世尔官网相关链接进行(详细定制流程,请待另文详解): TaqmanGene Expression Assay定制界面: https://www.thermofisher.com/order/custom-genomic-products/tools/gene-expression/ TaqmanSNP Genotyping Assay定制界面:
Extensive analytical and functional tests are performed for each manufactured lot of TaqMan® Genotyping Master Mix, including one TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assay and one TaqMan® Drug Metabolism Genotyping Assay. Results are compiled in an informative Certificate of Analysis, which is accessible throu...
Overall, the TaqMan assay format is suitable for low- to mid-throughput applications in which a high assay conversion rate, simple assay workflow, and low cost of automation are desirable. The SNPlex Genotyping System, on the other hand, is well suited for SNP applications in which throughput ...
产品名称 荧光定量TaqMan SNP分型预混液|TaqMan SNP Genotyping Master Mix 产品规格 1 mL 用途范围 仅做科研,不用于临床 加工定制 否 商品货号 13095ES 商品规格 1 mL 生产厂家 翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 是否进口 否 规格编码 13095ES03 最小起订量 1.00 发货地 上海 售卖区域 全国 可售...
2×Hieff Unicon® TaqMan SNP Genotyping Master Mix是一款采用公司新一代抗体法热启动Taq酶的荧光定量TaqMan SNP分型预混液。本产品含有基因改造的热启动Taq酶,极大地提高了扩增灵敏度和特异性,促进低浓度模板的有效扩增。本产品可用于基因分型和基因多重定量分析。
X-SNP Genotyping Using the TaqMan Probe Technology ZHANG Su-hua 1,2,LI Li 2,LI Cheng-tao 2,ZHAO Shu-min 2 (1.Department of Forensic Medicine,Medical College of Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China;2.Shang -hai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine,Institute of Forensic Science,Ministry of ...