该对象的示例如下: typeScriptGetInfo={downloadMode:string, isFirstPartyIsolation?:boolean,isIncognito:boolean,sandboxMode:SandboxMode,scriptHandler:string,scriptMetaStr:string|null,scriptUpdateURL:string|null,scriptWillUpdate:boolean, version?:string,script:{antifeatures:{[antifeature:string]:{[locale:stri...
When you land on an IMDb title page, this script will search for the title on torrent, subtitles, streaming, and other sites.IMDb Scout Modadds links to IMDb pages from hundreds of various sites. You can customize which sites to include in settings. It also adds external ratings from Metac...
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${a}${settings[b]?'✔️':'❌'}`,function(command){ settings[b]=!settings[b]; GM_setValue(b,settings[b]); alert('修改设置成功!'); }); }); consticon="...
I tried to reset the extension settings. Installing any script will result in the loading situatio on installed script Same to me. I didn't import any previous userscripts but still encounter this problem once I install a new script. Since I didn't install the Pixiv Plus, so I guess ot...
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\dhdgff...
Additionally add@connect *to the script to allow Tampermonkey to offer an "Always allow all domains" button. Users can also whitelist all requests by adding*to the user domain whitelist at the script settings tab. Notes: Both, the initialandthe final URL will be checked!
quicklyselectedandmodified. These very samescriptscan be enabled or disabled with onlytwo clicks. This can save programmers a great deal of time, particularly if they search for bugs within a lengthy text. Numerous settings can beadjusted, and importing or exporting lines of text when necessary ...
The trouble is that it is evaluating userscripts as if someone called eval() on them, so you will see VM### instead of something nice like myscript.js and you can't normally navigate to them like permanent scripts.Instead, add debugger lines:Settings Checkmark: ...
I'm working on developing a Tampermonkey userscript aimed at enhancing the user experience on YouTube. My goal is to implement an advanced content refresh mechanism on YouTube's homepage that updates the displayed videos in real-time, ensuring that the content after the refresh is ...
Download the offline package.Extract the ZIP file and access the installation file.Activate developer mode in the browser's extensions settings.Drag the ZIP file onto the extensions page.Ignore any errors that may appear.To use Tampermonkey, explore sites like Greasy Fork or OpenUserJS...