Tampermonkey is a professional and efficient user script manager that simplifies script installation, customization, and management for software engineers and programmers. Its primary feature is the ability to easily modify and toggle user scripts with just a few clicks. While it does not generate user...
Userscript manager Jan Biniok #108 in Productivity 5.0 • 1 Rating HUF1,490.00 Screenshots Mac iPhone iPad Description Tampermonkey is a widely popular browser extension compatible with all major browsers. It lets you customize and enhance web pages using userscripts — small JavaScript programs that...
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera Next and Firefox. Tampermonkey makes it very easy to manage your userscripts and provides features like a clear overview over the running scripts, a built-in...
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox. JavaScript 4,509 GPL-3.0 442 238 7 Updated Mar 23, 2024 web-i18n Public Tampermonkey's homepage and browser store locale files ...
谷歌浏览器油猴插件的数据文件夹:C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default...
我找到了/home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/t1b9jtvd.default-release/storage/default/https+++www.tampermonkey.net/ls/data.sqlite并用FF的SQLite Manager打开了它,但在那里没有找到脚本表。 根据对文件系统上存储的Chrome/Tampermonkey用户脚本在哪里的回答: 更新:从3.5.3630版本开始,Tampermonkey脚本现在使用Chrome的扩...
Tampermonkey is a userscript manager extension forAndroid,Chrome,Chromium,Edge,Firefox,Opera,Safari, and other similar web browsers, written by Jan Biniok. There are also versions forAndroid,Chromium,Edge,Firefox,Opera, andSafari. Installing Tampermonkey ...
script.textContent= scriptText;document.body.appendChild(script); GM_getResourceURL(name) GM_getResourceURL允许用户脚本访问通过@resource标签在用户脚本中包含的资源(如CSS或图像文件)的URL。 该函数接受一个参数,即要检索的资源的"name"。它将资源的URL作为字符串返回。
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users.Tampermonkey is used to run so called userscripts (sometimes also...
Tampermonkey是一款用户脚本管理器。目前Tampermonkey测试版已经测试稳定,官方已经推出稳定版本的用户管理器-Tampermonkey。感兴趣的朋友可以直接下载,我们这里对测试版也不多做介绍。 Tampermonkey测试版英文介绍 The most popular userscript manager for Blink-based browsers ...