<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. ...
Effortlessly keep your e-book library thoroughly organized with the help of the numerous features offered by this efficient and capable manager Bitdefender Antivirus Free Feather-light and free antivirus solution from renowned developer that keeps the PC protected at all times from malware without requ...
rm -r Library/Containers/net.tampermonkey.* Should be rm -r ~/Library/Containers/net.tampermonkey.* armandhammer commented Oct 16, 2019 I tried to reset the extension settings. Installing any script will result in the loading situatio on installed script Same here. I tried installing a sing...
UserWait(sleepTime) :让脚本睡眠指定时间 2.Monkey脚本开发 2.1.Monkey脚本开发步骤 1.获取应用包名和入口类 获取应用包名和入口使用到了appt工具,首先需要配置它的环境变量。 # 编辑.bash_profile 添加appt环境变量 vim ~/.bash_profile # appt路径在本机sdk/build-tools/版本号/ export PATH=$PATH:~/Librar...
TheunsafeWindowobject provides access to thewindowobject of the page that Tampermonkey is running on, rather than thewindowobject of the Tampermonkey extension. This can be useful in some cases, such as when a userscript needs to access a JavaScript library or variable that is defined on the pag...
a very simple userscript that illustrates the use of the GM_config library, remote resources, themes and some common userscript mechanics if you need an example of the custom GM_config field seeGreasy Fork tweaksscript support me Releases
Today with the help of advanced smartphone cameras, anyone can capture stunning photos worthy of purchase. The quality of mobile photography has reached such impressive levels that many stock photo agencies and marketplace platforms now actively seek smartphone photographers. ...
Enter /Library/Application Support and click Go or press Enter. In the Application Support folder, look for any dubious entries and then delete them. Now enter /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons folders the same way and terminate all the related .plist files.Windows...
library (not whole bootstrap) - Apply script lazy load on OCR library script - Use transform method for tooltip positioning- 0.1.8 - Fix TTS (text to speech) stop message sending - Fix OCR image load - Use zodiac3539's train data for tesseract jpn_vert OCR- 0.1.7 - Fix scrolled ...
v.3.3.0Ported to Preact.jsv.3.0.0Web Maker now as web app -> https://webmakerapp.com/app/v.2.9.7Tailwind CSS added, Popular libraries updated, and code refactor.v.2.9.5Improvements in external library ux, pane collapsing and bugfixesv.2.9.0Detached preview, Atomic CSS configurations, ...