ClassCSS Properties text-inherit color: inherit; text-current color: currentColor; text-transparent color: transparent; text-black color: rgb(0 0 0); text-white color: rgb(255 255 255); text-slate-50 color: rgb(248 250 252); text-slate-100 color: rgb(241 245 249); text-slate-200 ...
Text Color Utilities for controlling the text color of an element. Class Properties Preview .text-transparentcolor: transparent;Aa .text-currentcolor: currentColor;Aa .text-blackcolor: #000;Aa .text-whitecolor: #fff;Aa .text-gray-100color: #f7fafc;Aa...
此站点:提供了此示例tailwind.config.js文件: // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { theme: { customForms: theme => ({ dark: { 'input, textarea, multiselect, checkbox, radio': { backgroundColor: theme('colors.gray.900' 浏览4提问于2020-10-2...
Tailwind CSS Text Decoration ColorHover over the bold text to see different text decoration colors.The sky,a dynamic canvas,shifts fromdark mystery to vibrant hues. Rainbows, born from sunlight and raindrops,grace the sky in semicircular arcs—red,orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet...
xxxx // ... .complex-node { @apply flex m-3 text-success rounded ...; } 我有一些样式是全局通用的,比如按钮,卡片的一些样式,我该怎么维护?你可以通过tailwindcss提供的@layer指令将比较通用的样式layer到components层,作为组件级别的样式,从而可以达到全局复用的目的 @layer components { .btn-blue ...
.text-{color} 颜色可以选择: black黑色/white白色 gray灰色/red红色/orange橙色/yellow黄色/green绿色/teal蓝绿色/blue蓝色/indigo靛蓝色/purple紫色/pink粉色 其中后者可以通过选择100-900来设置深浅度 Text Color Text ColorThis is text-gray-200This is text-gray-600This is text-red-200This is text-red-...
说明:使用Tailwind CSS可省略写繁琐的css代码,通过用class快速布局,如下图页面全是class,很少会写css代码。 例子: 创建variable.css文件,代码如下可定义样式变量: :root{--color-G100:#FBFBFB;--color-G150:#F6F6F8;--color-G200:#F0F1F2;--color-G300:#E6E6E8;--color-G400:#D1D2D4;--color-G500:...
// tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={// ...variants:{extend:{textOpacity:['dark']}}} 默认情况下,dark变体只对backgroundColor、borderColor、gradientColorStops、placeholderColor和textColor启用。 手动切换深色模式 如果要支持手动切换深色模式而不是依赖于操作系统首选项,请使用class策略代替media策略: ...
However, despite the text at the input is displayed with the right color in most cases, it show black when autocompleted in Chrome, like this: I've partially solved this by adding to my 'app.css': input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-...
Text-Color –We can change the color of the text using text-{colorName-value}, here it is “text-orange-300”. Button 3– Rounded Button We can make rounded buttons. Class for this is “rounded-{value}”. Here it’s “rounded-full”. This means border-radius : {some value}; ...