打开tailwind.config.js文件,并将darkMode属性设置为'media'或'class',分别表示通过媒体查询或CSS类来启用深色模式。 自定义颜色:接下来,在同一个配置文件中,你可以通过修改theme.colors对象来自定义深色模式下的颜色。你可以在theme.colors对象中添加或修改颜色值,以适应深色模式。例如,你可以添加一个自定义的深色背...
How to set a default font color in Tailwind CSS - Many Tailwind CSS developers struggle to set a default font color, resulting in inconsistent text styling and inefficient workflows due to frequent style overrides. Tailwind provides utility classes to se
Improve type detection for arbitrary color values (#8201) Support PostCSS config options in config file in CLI (#8226) Remove default [hidden] style in preflight (#8248) Only check selectors containing base apply candidates for circular dependencies (#8222) Rewrite default class extractor (#8204...
Tailwind CSS Text Color ClassesBelow is a list of Tailwind CSS Text Color classes that include properties for adjusting the color of text elements on a webpage.ClassCSS Properties text-inherit color: inherit; text-current color: currentColor; text-transparent color: transparent; text-black color:...
不推荐在 class 里,直接使用rpx单位,比如text-[32rpx] border-[10rpx]. 源自于tailwindcss 3.2.x改动导致一些rpx写法的变化,建议一看,持续追踪#110 Closed sonofmagicopened this issueOct 28, 2022· 8 comments Assignees Labels question Milestone
Text Color <divclass="mt-20"><h2class="text-center text-4xl">Text Color</h2><divclass="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4"><div><h1class="font-semibold text-gray-200">This is text-gray-200</h1><h1class="font-semibold text-gray-600">This is text-gray-600</h1><h1class="font-semibold te...
<button class="danger-button">Button</button> </div> .danger-button { height: 32px; padding: 4px 15px; font-size: 14px; border-radius: 2px; color: #fff; border-color: #ff4d4f; background: #ff4d4f; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 12%); ...
<button class="danger-button">Button</button> </div> .danger-button { height: 32px; padding: 4px 15px;font-size: 14px; border-radius: 2px; color: #fff; border-color: #ff4d4f; background: #ff4d4f;text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 12%); ...
<h1class="text-9xl font-bold">What is this, an Apple website?</h1> 而且,我们还将默认的不透明度比例扩展为10,以及5和95的值:<figureclass="opacity-5"><blockquote>You can't see me.</blockquote><figcaption>John Cena</figcaption></figure> 仔细阅读整个默认配置文件,以查看可用的确切信息。
<p class="text-gray-500">Color Gray 500</p> <p class="text-green-500">Color Green 500</p> 背景颜色:bg-[color]-[shade] <p class="bg-white">BgColor White</p> <p class="bg-red-500">BgColor Red 500</p> <p class="bg-black text-white">BgColor Black</p> 下划线颜色:underline...