.text-transparent color: transparent; Aa .text-current color: currentColor; Aa .text-black color: #000; Aa .text-white color: #fff; Aa .text-gray-100 color: #f7fafc; Aa .text-gray-200 color: #edf2f7; Aa .text-gray-300 color: #e2e8f0; Aa .text-gray-400 color: #cbd5e0; Aa...
初始化一个新的 npm 项目并安装 Tailwind CSS: npm init -y npm install -D tailwindcss 创建tailwind.config.js 文件: npx tailwindcss init 创建input.css 文件并添加以下内容: @tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities; 更新tailwind.config.js 文件,以处理输入的 css: module.exports ={ ...
Use thedecoration-[<value>]syntaxto set thetext decoration colorbased on a completely custom value: <!-- ... --> For CSS variables, you can also use thedecoration-(<custom-property>)syntax: <!-- ... --> This is just a shorthand...
整体设计风格很统一,熟练之后能够很流畅地写出复杂样式,和传统的css、less相比,明显的感受是上下文切换变少了,和css-in-js相比,敲键盘次数变少了,原以为只是一个 css 工具集,但它的强大超出我的预期,一些复杂的联动效果也能轻松完成。
<!-- ... --> For CSS variables, you can also use thetext-(<custom-property>)syntax: <!-- ... --> This is just a shorthand fortext-[var(<custom-property>)]that adds thevar()function for you automatically. Applying on hover Prefixacolorutility with a variant likehover:*to ...
twd css hover button 伪元素:before,after,file input,selection Email
Tailwind CSS - Text Color - Tailwind CSS Text Color consists of predefined classes that allow us to quickly apply different colors to text on a webpage.
我一直感到惊讶的一件事是,很少有人抱怨Tailwind开箱即用地提供了无用的表单元素。它们从字面上看起来很糟糕,如果不编写自定义CSS充满怪异的背景图像SVG技巧,以及担心需要像以前从未听说过的CSS属性那样模糊的边缘情况,您将无法做任何事情color-adjust。我试图同时与回解决这个@ tailwindcss /自定义表单插件,而是...
Learn how to apply TailwindCSS color utilities to the text of an element or the background of an element.
Color Steelblue (2)容器与间距 容器 Title Tailwind CSS is the only framework that I've seen scale on large teams. It’s easy to customize, adapts to any design, and the build size is tiny. container:标记为容器 mx-auto:x 轴方向(横向)上,外边距(margin)自动 外边距:m?-[number] m...