The ribo-minus RNA-seq data were trimmed by Trimmomatic v0.3871 with the following parameters: ILLUMINACLIP:Trimmomatic-0.38/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa:2:30:10:8:true LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36. Next, BBMap v38.69 was used for rRNA removal. All the cleaned reads wer...
(L) tail machine, and reveal a symmetry-mismatched neck anchoring five neck fibers, a long contractile tail with a five-component baseplate, and six pairs of tail fibers. In combination with biochemical assays, we model a bead-chain-like structure of the neck fibers that extend from the ...
(CLIP) family20,22,23,24. Some CAP-Gly domain-containing proteins, such as CLIP-170 and CLIP-115, participate in the regulation of microtubule dynamics and the recruitment of proteins to the microtubule plus-end25,26. Tubulin tyrosination can also affect the targeting and movement of motor ...
Cell–cell communication between the cell populations were inferred using CellChat (v. 2.1.1), using the ligand-receptor database CellChatDB.human [95]. The scRNA-Seq datasets were split into separate assays for each time point. Each RNA assay was log normalized, and theX. laevisgene symbol ...
Together, results from in cellular perturbation analyses and in vitro biochemical assays suggest that MARTRE protein binds and directly inhibit CCR4-NOT-mediated shortening of mRNA poly(A) tails. Martreknockout delays embryo development progression ...
夾子和台架-Clip and S... 儲樣-Sample storag... 坩堝-Crucible 凍存-Cryopreservat... 量筒-Graduated cyl... 平皿-Plate 過濾產品-Filtration ... 燒瓶-Flask 容量瓶-Volumetric f... 地粘-stick 鑷子-Forceps 漏鬥-Funnel 玻璃割刀-Glass cutte... 手套-Gloves 組織學用具-Histology ....
夾子-Clip 分配盤/托盤-Distribut... 管子-Tube 樣品小瓶-Sample vial 利器存儲桶-Tool bucke... 實驗室用抹布-Laborator... 封口膜-Sealing film 移液管及**裝置-Pipette... 移液槍-Pipette 美國BD 公司產品 BD細胞培養-BD Cell C... BD-PHARMINGEN BD-GENETEST BD-BIOCOAT BD-FALCON 美國...
夾子和台架-Clip and S... 儲樣-Sample storag... 坩堝-Crucible 凍存-Cryopreservat... 量筒-Graduated cyl... 平皿-Plate 過濾產品-Filtration ... 燒瓶-Flask 容量瓶-Volumetric f... 地粘-stick 鑷子-Forceps 漏鬥-Funnel 玻璃割刀-Glass cutte... 手套-Gloves 組織學用具-Histology ....