naturally"Stand with feet parallel, like tree stumps": Place the feet shoulder-width apart;bend and squat, adjust the center of gravity to the middle point of the feet;keep the body naturally erect;bend the elbow joints slightly in front of the chest as if holding a ball;place the palms...
有限状态机FSM(finite state machine) 一有限状态机又称有限自动状态机,它拥有有限数量的状态,每个状态代表不同的意义,每个状态可以切换到 零-多 个状态。任意时刻状态机有且只能处在一个状态。有限状态机可以表示为一个有向图。如下图从图中可以看出一个学生包含四个状态:吃饭、休息、打篮球、写作业每种带有箭头...