Cold Start KB (CSKB)The Cold Start KB track builds a knowledge base from scratch using a given document collection and a predefined KB schema.Track home page: coordinators: Hoa Dang ( and Shahzad Rajput (shahzad.rajput@nist.g...
近日,国际知识库构建领域的权威评测TAC-KBP 2017(2017 Text Analysis Conference – Knowledge Base Population)揭晓评测结果,中科院网络数据科学与技术重点实验室(主任:程学旗)由李紫宣、仇韫琦、杨帆三名硕士生与延浩然、赵凯琳、苏佳林三...
KYOTOU at TAC KBP 2017 Event Track: Neural Network-based Event Sequence Classification Model.Tomohide ShibataHongkai LiTomohiro SakaguchiSadao Kurohashi
SINAI at TAC-KBP BeST 2017: evaluating the impact of modal verbs in the classification of beliefsThe aim for SINAI group is twofold in the task of belief classification for English. On one hand, we continue with the development of a hierarchical Bayesian model as a formalism to describe and...
UI CCG TAC-KBP2017 Submissions: Entity Discovery and Linking, and Event Nugget Detection and Co-reference.Chase DuncanLiang-Wei ChanHaoruo PengHao WuShyam UpadhyayNitish GuptaChen-Tse TsaiMark SammonsDan RothTsai, C.-T., Mayhew, S., Peng, H., Sammons, M., Mangipundi, B., Reddy, P.,...
Costello. Overview of tac- kbp2017 13 languages entity discovery and linking. In TAC, 2017.Ji et al., 2015] H. Ji, J. Nothman, B. Hachey, and R. Florian. Overview of TAC-KBP2015 Tri-lingual Entity Discovery and Linking. In Proceedings of TAC, 2015....
Stanford at TAC KBP 2017: Building a Trilingual Relational Knowledge Graph.Arun Tejasvi ChagantyAshwin ParanjapeJason BoltonMatthew LammJinhao LeiAbigail SeeKevin ClarkYuhao ZhangPeng QiChristopher D. Manning
OpenIE for Slot Filling at TAC KBP 2017 - System Description.Samuel BroscheitKiril GashteovskiMartin Achenbach
CMU CS Event TAC-KBP2017 Event Argument Extraction System.Andrew HsiJaime G. CarbonellYiming Yang
A Hybrid Model for Trilingual Entity Detection and Linking Tasks at TAC KBP 2017.Zhenzhen LiQun ZhangTing LiJun XuDawei Feng