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The TCAR team developed multiple information retrieval based entity linking systems in a matter of weeks for the TAC-KBP evaluation task. We focused primarily on developing entity linking algorithms that do not require Wikipedia text and correctly detect when a given entity does not exist in ...
近日,国际知识库构建领域的权威评测TAC-KBP 2017(2017 Text Analysis Conference – Knowledge Base Population)揭晓评测结果,中科院网络数据科学与技术重点实验室(主任:程学旗)由李紫宣、仇韫琦、杨帆三名硕士生与延浩然、赵凯琳、苏佳林三名...
tackbp 评测类的数据蛮多的,LDC上面都分门别类的做了整理,记得注册的时候用学校信息。
tackbp 评测类的数据蛮多的,LDC 上面都分门别类的做了整理,记得注册的时候用学校信息。
Zhengyan He and Houfeng Wang. 2011. Collective entity linking and a simple slot filling method for TAC-KBP 2011. In TAC (2011).Collective Entity Linking and a simple Slot Fillingmethod for TAC-KBP2011. Zhengyan He,Houfeng Wang. Proceedings of the Fourth Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2011) ...
This paper describes our submissions for the Slot Filling task of TAC-KBP 2011. The system takes as baseline the one we developed for the 2010 edition (Intxaurrondo et al., 2010), which is based on distant supervision. We did a straightforward implementation, trained using snippets of the ...
Overview of TAC-KBP2015 Tri-lingual Entity Discovery and Linking. Radu FlorianJoel NothmanHeng JiBen Hachey Jan 2015 阅读PDF 62 被引用 · 0 笔记 引用 Stacking With Auxiliary Features: Improved Ensembling for Natural Language and Vision Nazneen Fatema Rajani Jan 2016 0 被引用 · 0 笔记 引...
particular slot. This is our first TACsubmission, and our performance was chal-lenged by the distant supervision assumptionand the differences between Wikipedia andnewswire data.1 IntroductionSlot-filling is an important NLP task for KnowledgeBase Population, but our interest is in using slot-filling...