tackbp 评测类的数据蛮多的,LDC 上面都分门别类的做了整理,记得注册的时候用学校信息。
近日,国际知识库构建领域的权威评测TAC-KBP 2017(2017 Text Analysis Conference – Knowledge Base Population)揭晓评测结果,中科院网络数据科学与技术重点实验室(主任:程学旗)由李紫宣、仇韫琦、杨帆三名硕士生与延浩然、赵凯琳、苏佳林三名...
To subscribe to thetac-kbp@nist.govmailing list, send a message to tac-kbp-request@nist.gov, subject = subscribe. You will receive an automatic email with a confirmation code, which you must respond to in order to complete your subscription request. ...
TAC-KBP 2012 : Text Analysis Conference - Knowledge Base Population (TAC-KBP 2012)emiliosH. Ji and R. Grishman. 2011. Knowledge base pop- ulation: Successful approaches and challenges. In Proc. ACL2011.
This paper describes the participation of IRT SystemX at TAC KBP 2016, for the two tracks, CSSF and SFV (filtering and ensemble). We have submitted 4 runs for each track of SFV which are our first submission and this submissions are applicable for only cold start monolingual English SF/KB...
Zhengyan He and Houfeng Wang. 2011. Collective entity linking and a simple slot filling method for TAC-KBP 2011. In TAC (2011).Collective Entity Linking and a simple Slot Fillingmethod for TAC-KBP2011. Zhengyan He,Houfeng Wang. Proceedings of the Fourth Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2011) ...
particular slot. This is our first TACsubmission, and our performance was chal-lenged by the distant supervision assumptionand the differences between Wikipedia andnewswire data.1 IntroductionSlot-filling is an important NLP task for KnowledgeBase Population, but our interest is in using slot-filling...
从2013年开始投入研发,2016年获得国际知识图谱构建大赛NIST TAC (KBP2016) 第一名 至今,讯飞的知识图谱技术已经积累了9年 语音合成技术中,前端的文本韵律预测,就和文本关联很大。所以科大讯飞在成立初期开始语音探索时便涉足NLP领域。(有十年经验) 当所有巨头开始嵌入AI(NLP、初级认知智能)的时候,科大讯飞已在边研发...