Except for the 10-language EDL pilot and the English EN sequencing pilot, all KBP 2017 tasks will be trilingual (English, Chinese, and Spanish). Participants are encouraged to participate in all three languages for each task, although diagnostic scores will also be provided for each individual l...
近日,国际知识库构建领域的权威评测TAC-KBP 2017(2017 Text Analysis Conference – Knowledge Base Population)揭晓评测结果,中科院网络数据科学与技术重点实验室(主任:程学旗)由李紫宣、仇韫琦、杨帆三名硕士生与延浩然、赵凯琳、苏佳林三...
Q7 用于定量评估的数据集是什么?代码有没有开源? Q8 论文中的实验及结果有没有很好地支持需要验证的科学假设? Q9 这篇论文到底有什么贡献? Q10 下一步呢?有什么工作可以继续深入? 相关论文 Overview of TAC-KBP2015 Tri-lingual Entity Discovery and Linking. Heng Ji...Radu Florian Theory and Applications...