I want the yellow area to be fixed at the top of the scroll area and I want the body to be scrollable. e.g. if I added another element, it would overflow so I can scroll down to see the newly added element while also being able to see that header since it will be fixed. I am...
伪元素盖住滚动条 的方案,导致了 Middle/small table with fixed header style issue #4850。 opacity: 0.001 隐藏滚动条 的方案,导致了 Extra pads on table fixed header #4936。 2019-06-04 更新: 经过艰辛的探索,终于找到了解决方案: fix(Table): Hide header extra scrollbar react-component/table#333 f...
[i].offsetWidth + 'px'; } } setWidth(); window.resize = function() { setWidth(); } document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { if(document.documentElement.scrollTop > table.offsetTop) { fixedTableHeader.style.display = 'block'; } else { fixedTableHeader.style.display = 'none'; }...
里面有编辑功能,还得在行和列分别加个total,表格够复杂吧。Fixed Header Table这个插件不支持我的表格(单元格的合并),dhtmlxgrid插件很强大,但要钱,项目中本来就有jquery了,不想再引用其它框架了,自己动手,丰衣足食! 2. 具体实现 2.1 简化需求 以前的布局就是一个table,要做这种行列锁定的表格,布局肯定大改,为...
.fixedHeader td, #thead td { background: #f00; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #bbb; } #thead td { background: #f00; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ffd800; } #div { height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; ...
::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none;} Set the CSS of <tbody> Change thedisplayproperty, so that theheightandoverflow-ycan be configured. Set theheight, and addoverflow-yto make the table body scrollable in a range. tbody{display:inline-block;// or blockheight:120px;width:100%;// Width fol...
$(window).scroll(function(){varscroll_top=$('body').scrollTop()-scroll_bar.offset().top;//判断是否到达窗口顶部if(scroll_top>0) { $('body').append('<div id="shelter"></div>');//复制的表格所在的容器 $("#shelter").css({'height':bar_height,'position':'fixed','top':'0','ov...
限定高度:$('#table1').fixHeader({height:100}); 限定高度和宽度:$('#table3').fixHeader({height:100,width:500}); 下面为完整代码 /*! * fixHeader 1.0.0 * Copyright 2012 chokobo * * make table header fixed * * notice: set th,id border-width in IE ...
使用两个table分别放置实际的header和body 2.2 滚动 2.2.1 一些问题 <thead>和<tbody>无法设置高度,就无法用overflow:scroll来让它滚动; <table>的整体设置高度会让表头和表内容一起滚动,没有办法固定住表头只滚动内容。 2.2.2 实现 为了让表头和表内容都可以滚动,需要用两个<table>分别包裹表头和表内容,如下 ...