解决:给header加上这个多出来的滚动条宽度,宽度计算的代码如下: constscrollbarWidth=()=>{// thanks too https://davidwalsh.name/detect-scrollbar-widthconstscrollDiv=document.createElement('div')scrollDiv.setAttribute('style','width: 100px; height: 100px; overflow: scroll; position:absolute; top:-...
table-column-group:指定对象作为表格列组显示。类同于html标签<colgroup>(CSS2) table-header-group:指定对象作为表格标题组。类同于html标签<thead>(CSS2) table-footer-group:指定对象作为表格脚注组。类同于html标签<tfoot>(CSS2) 下面是一些display:table示例,你可能会发现它很有用: ·动态垂直居中对齐 Html...
CSS to make table fixed header and scrollable bodyUse the below-given CSS to make table fixed header and scrollable body:<style> table { table-layout: fixed; } td,th { padding: 5px; min-width: 200px; } th { position: sticky; } thead tr { background: lightblue; color: black; ...
$("#shelter").css({'height':bar_height,'position':'fixed','top':'0','overflow':'hidden','width':'1200px','margin': '0 auto','left':'0','right':'0','border-bottom':'1px solid #c8c8c8'}); sroll_header.appendTo('#shelter'); $('#shelter table').removeClass(); //删除...
Table 修复Table 组件在 scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true} 时,表头和内容无法对齐的问题 Fixed an issue where the Table component would not align with the table header when scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true} close #2280 Checklist: Test suite passes (npm run test) Provide changelog for...
Hello, how can I fix the table header so I can scroll the body inside of a scroll area. Currently, this is what I have: <ScrollArea className="m-4 h-[225px] w-[500px] relative rounded-md"> <Table className="relative"> <TableHeader classN...
CSS Snippet: .tbl-cntr { height: 400px; overflow: auto; } .sticky-header { position: sticky; top: 0px; } 1) Add "tbl-cntr" style class in the wrapper container 2) Add "sticky-header" style class in the table Style Header Demo Screen: TableFixedHeaderTask Refer to the ...
里面有编辑功能,还得在行和列分别加个total,表格够复杂吧。Fixed Header Table这个插件不支持我的表格(单元格的合并),dhtmlxgrid插件很强大,但要钱,项目中本来就有jquery了,不想再引用其它框架了,自己动手,丰衣足食! 2. 具体实现 2.1 简化需求 以前的布局就是一个table,要做这种行列锁定的表格,布局肯定大改,为...
A number or jQuery object specifying how much the sticky header should be offset from the top of the page: $('table').stickyTableHeaders({fixedOffset: $('#header')}); scrollableArea A DOM element or jQuery object. Allows you to overwrite which surrounding element is scrolling. Defaults to...
In order to keep the title fixed on top of page while scrollin I added the <style> area a line that says: Code: tr.myHeader {position:fixed} This is what the "tr {position: fixed} page" looks like: the header row became shorter then the data rows and when scrolling it hides ...