I want the yellow area to be fixed at the top of the scroll area and I want the body to be scrollable. e.g. if I added another element, it would overflow so I can scroll down to see the newly added element while also being able to see that header since it will be fixed. I am...
2.3.2 总宽度调整 问题:但是body所在的table因为多了一个滚动条宽度,所以两个table的宽度不一样,滚动条横向拖到尾部会出现不对齐的情况,如下 示例 解决:给header加上这个多出来的滚动条宽度,宽度计算的代码如下: constscrollbarWidth=()=>{// thanks too https://davidwalsh.name/detect-scrollbar-widthconstscr...
html, body { height:100%; } button { padding: 5px 10px;position:absolute;bottom: 20px;left:20px;display: block;-webkit-appearance: none;background: @orange; outline: none; border: 2px solid #DB9E36; color: @yellow; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow:02px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);curs...
Hide the Scrollbar first ::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none;} Set the CSS of <tbody> Change thedisplayproperty, so that theheightandoverflow-ycan be configured. Set theheight, and addoverflow-yto make the table body scrollable in a range. ...
Creating a fixed header scrollable table using purely CSS turns out to be a surprisingly tricky thing to do, in an ideal world I thought it would just be a matter of setting the height of the table body and "overflow:hidden", but there turns out to be a bit more to it than that, ...
Table 修复Table 组件在 scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true} 时,表头和内容无法对齐的问题 Fixed an issue where the Table component would not align with the table header when scroll={x: 'max-content', y: true} close #2280 Checklist: Test suite passes (npm run test) Provide changelog for...
问题:boostrap-table有水平和垂直滚动条时,滚动条不高的时候(滚动高度比较大的时候没有问题),滚动条滑到最右边表格标题和内容单元格无法对齐的问题 问题原因:bootstrap-table源码中的 fixedBody.scrollHeight > fixedBody.clientHeight + this.$header.outerHeight() 这个计算规则有问题 ...
table中,表头固定,body滚动的⽅式。也就是使⽤:cssTable布局-displa。。。两种类型的表格布局 你有两种⽅式使⽤表格布局 -HTML Table(<table>标签)和CSS Table(display:table 等相关属性)。HTML Table是指使⽤原⽣的<table>标签,⽽CSS Table是指⽤CSS属性模仿HTML 表格的模型。在中我们可以...
[i].offsetWidth + 'px'; } } setWidth(); window.resize = function() { setWidth(); } document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { if(document.documentElement.scrollTop > table.offsetTop) { fixedTableHeader.style.display = 'block'; } else { fixedTableHeader.style.display = 'none'; }...