呈现出具有中央核心的6臂海星状结构( 6-arm starfish-like structure ),控制尾管/鞘的组装; ③ TagA是一种与TssA相互作用的蛋白质,可以阻止尾巴的组装并将鞘保持在延伸构象下。然而,TssA cap蛋白和TagA塞子在T6SS基因簇中不是保守的,这表明不同的机制控制不同T6SS+物种中的尾管/鞘组装和终止。
control of diseases, the species and population structure of Psa, the pathogenic process and mechanism of infection of Psa, and screened a highl y pathogenic strai n M228 from the population of Psa. In thi s study, the strain M228 was used as material to reveal the role of ...
B. (2013). Structure of the T6SS lipoprotein TssJ1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 69, 607–610.Robb, C.S., Assmus, M., Nano, F.E., and Boraston, A.B. (2013). Structure of the T6SS lipoprotein TssJ1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa...
原文摘要: The HsiB1C1 (TssB-TssC) Complex of thePseudomonas aeruginosa Type VI Secretion System Forms a Bacteriophage Tail Sheathlike Structure Protein secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria evolved into a variety of molecular nanomachines. They are related to cell envelope complexes, which are...
A representation of the structural model of the C-terminal domain of the Tke2 effector (magenta) superimposed on the colicin E7 structure (blue; PDB: 2JB0) is shown on the right of a. Side chains of the active site residues are shown. (c) Multiple sequence alignment of T6SS colicin ...
Rapid progress has been made in the structure and biogenesis of T6SS in P. aeruginosa, but there are still many questions to be elucidated. For example, what are the molecular mechanisms when P. aeruginosa T6SS recognizes the target cell? As P. aeruginosa T6SS secretes multiple effectors, ...
Chou S et al (2012) Structure of a peptidoglycan amidase effector targeted to Gram-negative bacteria by the type VI secretion system. Cell Rep 1:656–664 ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Chow J, Mazmanian SK (2010) A pathobiont of the microbiota balances host colonization and intest...
Pseudomonas protegens are multi-talented plant-colonizing bacteria that suppress plant pathogens and stimulate plant defenses. In addition, they are capable of invading and killing agriculturally important plant pest insects that makes them promising can
6 The contraction of an engulfing sheath structure propels the needle and effectors out of the cell.6,7 T6SS effectors come in two flavors: (1) specialized effectors, which are the secreted structural proteins Hcp, VgrG, and PAAR carrying a C-terminal toxic domain extension, and (2) ...
The secondary structure analysis showed that TssL2 protein consisted of 46.05% α helix, 47.67% random coil, and 6.28% extended chain, which were mainly composed of α helix. In addition, TssL2 protein encodes DotU and C-terminal OmpA-like domains, the latter being ligand binding sites. ...