activated and memory CD4+ T cellsskin infiltrationCD8 deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency caused by the defect of a tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70, which transduces signals from the T cell receptor. We report here a case of CD8 deficiency, having CD4 + T cells with a unique phenotype. ...
T cell-mediated responses have been implicated in the development of fibrosis, impaired lymphangiogenesis, and lymphatic dysfunction in secondary lymphedema. Here we show that CD4+ T cells are necessary for lymphedema pathogenesis by utilizing adopt
mice. However, the conversion of CD4+ T cells to an activated effector memory phenotype, with a high percentage of cells showing Ki-67 expression, occurred in both hNOJ (IR+) and hNOJ (IR?) mice, probably as a result of lymphopenia-induced homeostatic expansion. Furthermore, when hNOJ ...
Taken together, we conclude that CD4+ T cells mediate obesity memory and promote weight regain. Cellular & Molecular Immunology advance online publication, 19 June 2017; doi:10.1038/cmi.2017.36 Keywords: CD4+ T cell; immunodeficiency; metabolism; obesity memory; weight regain INTRODUCTION Obesity is...
“CD4 T cells are phenotypically divided by the expression of high and low molecular weight isoforms of CD45, surface markers that are frequently used to identify “naive” (CD45Rhigh) and “memory” (CD45Rlow) subsets.” (PMID: 903...
CD4+ T-Cell Memory CD4+ T cells differentiate and expand during an immune response to a particular invasion. Once infection is cleared, memory Th cells are generated over time following the death of the majority of effector cells. These memory cells can quickly respond to a secondary infection...
CD4 T-cell memory is in some ways more enigmatic than CD8 T-cell memory. This is mostly due to the fact that CD4 T cells tend to expand far less in response to antigenic stimuli, thereby thwarting attempts at their detection during the course of an immune response. Nevertheless, there is...
SUMMARY Humanmemory (CD45RO+) CD4+Tcells can bedistinguished into twosubpopulations on the basis ofexpression ofthelymphnodehoming receptor, L-selectin (CD62L). Ina prior study we showedthathumanL-selectin-positive memory T-helper (Th)cells promotethematuration of IgG-andIgA-producing cells by...
Cells were sorted into CD4+CD62L+CD44−CD25− naive T cells (TNs) and CD4+CD62L−CD44+CD25− effector memory cells (TEMs) using a FACS Aria (BD Biosciences). Bone marrow was depleted of T cells using Miltenyi anti-Thy1.2 microbeads and the AutoMACs cell separator (Miltenyi Biotec...
Naïve T cells express no or very low levels of both cystine and cysteine transporters. However, we found that these transporters become strongly up-regulated during T cell activation and provide activated T cells with the required amount of cystine/cysteine needed for T cell proliferation. Thus...