CFSE assay For new CFSE tube, add 18 ul DMSO into the tube, to get 5 mM (working solution 1:1,000 dilute) 1 mL complete RPMI for 10e6 cell; 0.5 ml for < 5e6 cell 1.1 ul 5mM in 110 ul PBS In tube bottom, put 1ml cells In tube top, put 110 ul PBS Quickly mix 20min ...
(提示:染色后,确保避光操作)接着,执行T细胞活化步骤,使用thermo的CD3/CD28 dynabeads激活T细胞。最终结果如图所示,红色曲线代表对照组,绿色部分表示活化的T细胞。每次增殖后,CFSE荧光强度会减少一半。这就是CFSE T细胞增殖实验的全过程,是不是非常简便呢?
The use of a fluorescent marker such as carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) can provide more insight in individual T-cell responses, but setting appropriate specifications for this assay readout may be challenging. T-cell proliferation can be used to determine a T-cell response before and...
CFSE staining has a particular advantage for measuring cell proliferation compared with other techniques. This assay provides cumulative information about cells during the culture period, rather than just information about proliferative status of the cells in a determined time-point. This characteristic can...
细胞增殖。结论以CFSE标记淋巴细胞,结合流式细胞术可有效检测出不同T细胞亚群对不同刺激剂的增殖反应以及增殖 动力学变化。 [关键词]羧基荧光素乙酰乙酸琥珀酰亚胺酯;增殖;T细胞亚群;流式细胞术 [中图分类号]R392.12[文献标识码]A DeterminationoftheproliferationofCFSElabeledhumanTlymphocytesubpopulationsbyflow cytomet...
T cell proliferation assay A total of 5 × 106 T cells were loaded with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) (Invitrogen; cat. no. C34554) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were blocked with 50% FBS, washed twice with RPMI and stimulated with 1 μg ...
WithassistanceofCFSElabelingassay,theflowcytometryisabletoobtainmore detailinformationofproliferativeresponseanddynamicsofdifferentTcellsubpopulationsafterstimulatedwithdifferentstimuli. [Keywords]Carboxyfluoresceindiacetatesuccinimidylester;Proliferation;Tcellsubpopulations;Flowcytometry ...
CFSE labeling assay the flow cytometry is able to obtain more detail information of proliferative response and dynamics of different T cell subpopulations after stimulated with different stimuli Key words Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester Proliferation T cell subpopulations Flow cytometry 检测淋巴...
CFDA SE Cell Proliferation Assay and Tracking Kit 产品规格:500T 1000T 保存条件:-20℃干燥避光保存,有效期 1 年 产品简介: CFDA, SE 细胞增殖与示踪检测试剂盒是基于 CFDA, SE 对细胞进行示踪及增殖检测的试剂盒,该试剂盒主要工作原理为:CFDA, SE 是一种膜通透性的荧光素染料,本身不具有荧光发光性。当其...