(免疫学课件)T cell development_Xua TCellDevelopment XuanmingYangSchoolofLifeScienceandBiotechnology •杨选明•特别研究员生命科学技术学院(2015.1-)•xuanmingyang@sjtu.edu.cn•生命学院2-211(office);2-316(lab)TumorImmunologyandImmunotherapy Tumor NK Immune T activating DC cell MDSC TAM Immune ...
Production Cytokines On Th1 Cell Development IL-12 Na?ve CD4+ Th1 IL-18 Th1 Effector IL-18 IL-12Rβ1 β2 IL-18R IL-18R APC TCR STAT4 CD4+ T Cell IRAK NFKB STAT1 IFN-γ T-bet IFN-γ STAT4 NFKB GADD45 p3B T-bet IFN-γ+++ STAT4 TCCR/ WSX-1 IL-12Rβ1 IL-12Rβ1 β2 ...
T细胞亚群医学知识课件.ClassesoflymphocytesClassesoflymphocytes. T T T T细胞亚群自身免疫和超敏反应. Tcellsubsets Tcellsand Tcells CD4+TcellsandCD8+T NaïveTcells(初始T细胞)EffectorTcells(效应T细胞)MemoryTcells(记忆T细胞) Thelper(Th)辅助性CD4+T细胞CytotoxicTcells(CTLs)细胞毒性CD8+T细胞RegulatoryT...
10 T cell课件.ppt,(二)γδ T细胞 分布于黏膜和上皮组织中,是固有免疫的细胞,执 行非特异性免疫作用,占T细胞总数不超过5%。 大多数为CD4-CD8- , 抗原受体缺乏多样性,可直接识 别:感染后产生的热休克蛋白;感染后异常表达于 受感染细胞表面的脂类抗原;CD1分子复合物;某
一、T细胞抗原受体复合物(Tcellreceptor,TCR) TCR-CD3复合物 TCR是T细胞的特征性标志,作用是识别抗原;与CD3分子非共价键结合,形成复合物;分TCRαβ和TCRγδ两种。TCR-CD3:TCR识别抗原所产生的活化信号由CD3分子转导到T细胞内,因为CD3分子胞浆区有ITAM。注意:TCR不能直接识别蛋白质抗原表面的表位,...
❖Tcellsubsets Tcells(~95%)andTcells(~5%)CD4+TcellsandCD8+TcellsNaïveTcells(初始T细胞)EffectorTcells(效应T细胞)MemoryTcells(记忆T细胞)Thelper(Th)辅助性CD4+T细胞CytotoxicTcells(CTLs)细胞毒性CD8+T细胞RegulatoryTcells(Tregs)调节性CD4+T细胞 TCellsubsets Class Functions Antigenreceptorand...
We report the development of a new T-cell immunotherapy for managing post-HCT leukemia relapse. The significance of the work is threefold. First, we used T cells genetically modified to express a TCR specific for a promising new target antigen. Second, we created a therapeutic transgene that ...
25、f-tolerance maintained by activated T cells expressing IL-2 receptor alpha-chains (CD25). Breakdown of a single mechanism of self-tolerance causes various autoimmune diseases. J Immunol 1995 Hori et al. Control of regulatory T cell development by the transcription factor Foxp3. Science 2003 ...