1、荧光梅毒螺旋抗体吸收试验(FTA-ABS Test):此法是较敏感和较特异的螺旋体试验。 2、梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA):敏感性和特异性均高,操作简便,但对一期梅毒不如FTA-ABS试验敏感。 3、梅毒螺旋体制动试验(Treponema Pallidum immobilization ,TPI);用Nichol株螺旋体(活的)加病人血清(含抗体)后,在补体的参与下可...
白细胞计数≥10×106/L,蛋白量>500mg/L,且无其他引起这些异常的原因。脑脊液VDRL试验(或RPR/TRUST试验)或FTA-ABS试验(或TPPA/TPHA试验)阳性。 d)组织病理检查 有三期梅毒的组织病理变化。 04 隐性梅毒(潜伏梅毒) a)非梅毒螺旋体血清学试验 阳性。 b)梅毒螺旋体血清学试验 阳性。 c)脑脊液检查 有条件时可进...
(一)早期梅毒应做梅毒螺旋体暗视野显微镜检查。 (二) 梅毒血清反应素试验(如VDRL、USR或RPR试验),有必要时再做螺旋体抗原试验(如FTA-ABS或TPHA试验)。 (三)脑脊液检查,以除外神经梅毒,尤其无症状神经梅毒,早期梅毒即可有神经损害,二期梅毒有35%的病人脑脊液异常,因此要检查脑脊液。 (四)基因诊断检测。 鉴别诊断 ...
pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA). The most effective drug for treatment is penicillin. Show moreView chapterExplore book Infection In Pathology Illustrated (Seventh Edition), 2011 Syphilis This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a spirochaete (Treponema pallidum). It has a close set...
Define syphilis. syphilis synonyms, syphilis pronunciation, syphilis translation, English dictionary definition of syphilis. n. An infectious disease caused by a spirochete , usually transmitted sexually or in utero, marked initially by local formation o
such as the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS), microhemagglutination assayT pallidum(MHA-TP),T pallidumhemagglutination (TPHA), andT pallidumparticle agglutination (TPPA) tests.[20, 21]Treponemal enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) may ...
Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2001;77:37-45.Todd J, Munguti K, Grosskurth H, et al. Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population. Sex Transm Infect 2001;77:37-...
treponemal tests: Highly sensitive; however, they are nonspecific and tend to be positive for life.[129]Thus, they are more useful to rule out neurosyphilis when the pretest probability is low to moderate or the VDRL is negative.[40][129]These are the FTA-ABS, TPPA, TPHA, and EIA ...