1、荧光梅毒螺旋抗体吸收试验(FTA-ABS Test):此法是较敏感和较特异的螺旋体试验。 2、梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA):敏感性和特异性均高,操作简便,但对一期梅毒不如FTA-ABS试验敏感。 3、梅毒螺旋体制动试验(Treponema Pallidum immobilization ,TPI);用Nichol株螺旋体(活的)加病人血清(含抗体)后,在补体的参与下可...
L. 1973. The Treponema Pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) test in biological false positive and leprosy sera. J. Clin. Path. 26. 258.Garner MF, Backhouse JL, Daskalopoulos G, et al: The Trepo- nema pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) test in biologic false positive and leprosy sera. J Clin...
Lorne Labs supplies Syphilis detection latex kits and reagents including TPHA, VDRL and RPR. These Syphilis test kits identify the antibodies to the bacterium which causes syphilis in blood, fluid or tissue to help facilitate early detection and treatment of the disease....
Treponemal specific CSF tests (e.g. TPHA) High False Positive Rate Consider TPHA index (compares CSF to serum titer) Spirochete DNA PCR from CSF sample Higher Specificity than TPHA Not yet widely available Experimental markers B-Cell chemoattractant chemokinge (CXCL13 or CXC motif) Increased CSF...
Kultur von Urin oder Harnröhrenabstrichenist der einzige validierte Test zum Nachweis vonT. vaginalisbei Männern. Bei Männern ist die Mikroskopie des Urins nicht sensitiv, und NAATs sind derzeit nicht von der FDA zugelassen, könnten aber verfügbar sein, wenn lokale Labors interne ...
Diagnose using a nontreponemal (reaginic) test (eg, rapid plasma reagin [RPR] or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL]), and confirm positive results using a treponemal antibody test. Treat with benzathine penicillin (Bicillin L-A) whenever possible, except that ocular syphilis, otic syphil...
Related to syphilis:Syphilis test syph·i·lis (sĭf′ə-lĭs) n. An infectious disease caused by a spirochete(Treponema pallidum),usually transmitted sexually or in utero, marked initially by local formation of chancres and progressing if untreated to bacteremia and widespread organ damage, ...
treponemal tests: Highly sensitive; however, they are nonspecific and tend to be positive for life.[129]Thus, they are more useful to rule out neurosyphilis when the pretest probability is low to moderate or the VDRL is negative.[40][129]These are the FTA-ABS, TPPA, TPHA, and EIA ...
McKay, E.J.: Micro TPHA-comparison with other serological tests for syphilis. New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology 26: 102–106 (1972). Google Scholar Nelson, R. and Mayer, M.M.: Immobilization of Treponema pallidum in vitro by antibody produced in syphilis infection. Journal...
Serum treponema pallidum hemagglutination (TPHA) test was positive. The quantitative rapid plasma reagin (RPR) reaction of serum was positive (1:16). Cerebro- spinal fluid (CSF) pressure was not elevated during lumbar puncture. The CSF had an increased protein level of 0.93 g/L, normal WBCs...