Syphilis was detected using TPHA test. Results: 947 (2.81%) blood units tested positive for HBV, HCV, HIV and / or syphilis. Overall prevalence was HBV – 1.77%, HCV – 0.13%, HIV – 0.63% and Syphilis – 0.28%. Nine (0.03%) donors had coinfections. Conclusion: The screening of ...
One woman from the non-EU group opted for the private fee-based system. Of the 3450 pregnant women screened for syphilis at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health, the Treponema pallidum hemagglutination (TPHA) and Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) tests were the main tests ...
The Syphilis Rapid Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) has correctly identified specimens of a seroconversion panel and has been compared to a leading commercial TPHA Syphilis test using clinical specimens. ParaCrawl Corpus The H. pylori Rapid Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) has been ev...
P3.006 Prevalence of HIV and Syphilis Among Voluntary Blood Donors at a Regional Blood Centre in Sri Lanka For Three Year PeriodP3.006 Prevalence of HIV and Syphilis Among Voluntary Blood Donors at a Regional Blood Centre in Sri Lanka For Three Year PeriodBackground This study was conducte...
The introduction of the TPHA test in syphilis screening of blood units donated at the Heidelberg University blood bank resulted in an increase of positive test results from 0.16 percent to 0.64 percent at the first donation. Due to the high specificity of the TPHA and (FTA-Abs) test the ...
Shah, Mamta ChintanBhatnagar, NidhiPatel, NiraliGajjar, MaitreyShah, SangitaNational Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Syphilis screening was done using Rapid tests (RT) followed by collection of serum capillary and venous samples for VDRL and TPHA test. Sensitivity, specificity, and Kappa coefficient were calculated. Of 191 participants, 115 RT+and 76 RT-. Diagnostic properties did not significantly differ between...
We evaluated that Omega Pathozyme was quite in agreement with TPHA as compared with Trepolisa ., RAPHA, and RPR. We concluded that Omega Pathozyme (ELISA) can be considered as a suitable test for screening of syphilis in a blood center.Narinder...
Performances of TPHA, RPR and rapid immuno-chromatographic test in syphilis screening among blood donors at the university teaching hospital of Yaoundé, CameroonSyphilis TPHARPRRITELISABlood donordoi:10.1016/j.tracli.2015.11.003C.T. Tagny a b ⁎ , O. NonoTagny c , P...
also screened serologically for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), anti-hepatitis B core total antibodies (anti-HBc total), hepatitis C virus( HCV), human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), human T-lymphotrophic virus-1 (HTLV-1) and veneraldisease research laboratory test(VDRL) for syphilis. Re...