That they find each other fun and stimulating is indicated by his Jupiter conjunct her Jupiter/Moon/Mars: all located in the 4th house of the home denotes an expansive or large family of abundance – they have, as noted already, six children, three adopted, and vast homes in LA, France,...
The Sun individual tends to be more ego-driven than the Moon individual. Ultimately, they both have the best of their relationship in mind. And even when the Sun person seems to let their ego take over the conversation, the Moon partner knows what to say to bring things back on track. ...
The 7th house in astrology is known as the house of partnerships and relationships. It represents how we relate to others, our approach to committed partnerships, and our ideals of balance and harmony in love and partnerships. The 7th house reflects the qualities we seek in a partner and the...
Masha’allah, following Dorotheus, stressed the relationship between the Moon and Venus in both the natal chart and synastry. He noted that “the traversal of Venus and the Moon in the same sign denotes the insoluable concord of the conjugal agreement” (Masha’allah, The Book of Aristotle, ...