Time(local time) hmin (unknown time) Birth city: (Enter coordinates manually) °' °' Partner B-Date of Birth Time(local time) hmin (unknown time) Birth city: (Enter coordinates manually) °' °' Interpretations: Extended settings: Aspects, Orbs, House system...
AND, it's EXACTLY conjunct our c-Moon, as part of the 'Holy Freaking God That's a Lot of Scorpio' stellium. Which can only bring me to say: WTF? Seriously. WTF? W. T. F. Did I marry THIS man? No. WOULD I marry this man? NO. Do I have any regrets to marrying my husband...
Masha’allah, following Dorotheus, stressed the relationship between the Moon and Venus in both the natal chart and synastry. He noted that “the traversal of Venus and the Moon in the same sign denotes the insoluable concord of the conjugal agreement” (Masha’allah, The Book of Aristotle, ...