While the Moon person is the leading provider of emotional support in this relationship, the Sun person is also very open to that. They are present for each other and form a great team. The Sun person gives their Moon partner the confidence they need to find their path in life and pursue...
I did notice that it fit in with that my prog'd Moon was conjunct my natal Boda when I married. ... I also noticed it was really close to being exactly on my twin's Sun-Neptune, and thus, on his Sun. Then I noticed his is, of course, on my Sun. ...
Masha’allah, following Dorotheus, stressed the relationship between the Moon and Venus in both the natal chart and synastry. He noted that “the traversal of Venus and the Moon in the same sign denotes the insoluable concord of the conjugal agreement” (Masha’allah, The Book of Aristotle, ...
“Bloodied and bruised Amy Winehouse stands by husband who ‘saved her life’”[1]. We have a time for this so that will make it more interesting. The time dependant transiting Moon was on Amy’s South Node conjunct her DC, (the partner). The star Sabik in the snake charmer Ophuichu...