Upon receipt, store the dye frozen at -20°C, protected from light in a desiccator. When stored properly, the SYBR Green II stain stock solution in DMSO is stable for six months to one year. 注:SYBR Green II主要用于RNA和单链DNA电泳。是EB的替代品,无致癌性,超敏感性。用作常规电泳时,须...
uses the double-strand DNA binding dyeSYBR Green Ias it is the most cost-effective chemistry and ideal for primer validation, even if you are planning on using a probe-based chemistry later. 4.3.2Primer Design qPCR assays for various targets can be taken from the literature or in databases ...
Whether you are using plates or tubes, the Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step Power SYBR™ Green Kit uses a simple 7-minute sample preparation procedure. The lysis technology is designed for 10–100,000 cultured cells/sample. Cells are washed in PBS and lysed in solution for 5 minutes at room temp...
SYBR® Safe DNA Gel Stain - Green Fact Sheet E-Gel 48 Information card Product Information Quick Reference: E-Base Electrophoresis Device E-Gel 48 Gels User Guide: E-Base Electrophoresis Device 常见问题解答 (FAQ) All E-Gel gels are labeled with expiration dates.Find additional tips, trouble...
SYBR Green I is a DNA double-strand-specific dye. During each phase of DNA synthesis, the SYBR Green I dye, which is included in the reaction mix, binds to the amplified PCR products; the amplicon can be detected by its fluorescence. Hot start protocols
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It contains a novel Taq DNA Polymerase, unique hot start reagents, optimized buffer, SYBR Green I, dNTPs, PCR Enhancer and PCR stabilizer. qPCR Master Mix is provided at 2× concentration and can be used at 1× concentration by adding template, primer, passive reference dye (optional) and ...
QuantiTect SYBR Green reagents use a single primer concen- Effect of PCR product length The crossing point reflects the sensitivity of the reaction. This critically depends on the efficiency of the PCR. The efficiency is influenced by multiple factors, such as limiting reaction components, ...
法提 高 l()O倍 ,另外 PicoGreen 定量榆测不会受到 单链I)NA 及 RN A 的 干扰 。。一 新技术的 建立 也提 高 J,核酸 的枪 测能力 ,比如 使 用碱 性 品红 在聚 丙烯 眦胺 凝胶 t|l itl 以检 测 10—20 Pg 的 DNA ,竞 争逆 转求 PCR 结合 SY BR Gold 染 色可 以对 mR ...
比如SYBR GreenⅠ结合双链DNA能力远强于单链DNA及RNA,因此可以作为实时定量PCR的核酸染色剂,SYBR-Gold可以结合双链DNA、单链DNA及RNA,在结合双链DNA后具有2个荧光激发峰,一个位于300nm处,另一个位于495nm处,且对于核酸的检测能力均高于EB及其他SYBR系列的染色剂[4]。而且安全、环保,已有文献报到SYBR Gold在Ames...