Upon receipt, store the dye frozen at -20°C, protected from light in a desiccator. When stored properly, the SYBR Green II stain stock solution in DMSO is stable for six months to one year. 注:SYBR Green II主要用于RNA和单链DNA电泳。是EB的替代品,无致癌性,超敏感性。用作常规电泳时,须...
Upon receipt, store the dye frozen at -20°C, protected from light in a desiccator. When stored properly, the SYBR Green II stain stock solution in DMSO is stable for six months to one year. 注:SYBR Green II主要用于RNA和单链DNA电泳。是EB的替代品,无致癌性,超敏感性。用作常规电泳时,...
Photographic Filters for Fluorescent Dye–Stained Gels and Blots SYBR Green II RNA Gel Stain Molecular Probes® 手册 Nucleic Acid Detection on Gels, Blots and Arrays—Section 8.4 Nucleic Acid Stains—Section 8.1 常见问题解答 (FAQ) Disposal regulations vary. Please contact your safety office or loc...
using 300nm transillumination. Staining agarose/ formaldehyde gels with SYBR Green II does not interfere with the transfer of RNA to membranes or subsequent hybridization in Northern blot analysis as long as 0.1–0.3% SDS is included in prehybridization and hybridization buffers to remove the dye...
SYBR Green dye-based master mixes for real-time PCR When using dye-based chemistry for real-time PCR analysis, master mix choice matters. As the pioneers of SYBR Green dye quantification for qPCR, we have evolved our SYBR Green master mix formulations over many years into highly consist...
In the present study, we have developed a novel one-step assay with native nucleotide substrates and SYBR Green II dye to determine IC50 values of triphosphorylated NRTIs against HIV-1 RT. Using exact batches of wild-type and mutant RT, and triphosphorylated NRTIs, we showed that our method...
10000×Sybr Green II 荧光染料 无毒性 灵敏度高 信噪比高 适用范围广 闪晶品牌 上海闪晶分子生物科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥2380.00/个 广东广州 美国Biotium 31000 EVAGREEN 荧光染料 Dye, 20X in Water qPCR 荧光染色 广州济恒医药科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥200.00/瓶 湖北武汉 PicoGreen CAS:177...
One-Step qRT-PCR UltraMix(SYBR Green) 一步法RT-qPCR试剂盒(SYBR Green)产品规格: 100次 发货周期: 1~3天 一步法RT-qPCR试剂盒(SYBR Green) ??本制品是采用SYBR Green嵌合荧光法进行qRT-PCR 的专用试剂。制品中已经将反转录酶、DNA聚合酶、反应用Buffer、dNTPs、SYBR Green等试剂预混在一起,是一种2×...
Real-time PCR using SYBR Green DyeBiosystems, Applied
美国Biotium 31000 EVAGREEN 荧光染料 Dye, 20X in Water qPCR 荧光染色 广州济恒医药科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 sybr green荧光染料科研试剂_CAS#:163795-75-3_默克生命科学 多场景 西格玛奥德里奇(上海)贸易有限公司 查看详情 ¥587.00/包 上海 伊势久生物 安全核酸染料 Green- 电泳- 检测-荧光-生化试剂...