It is recommended to install the addon from either Curseforge via the Curse Client, or from the provider on the WoWUp Client: This way, your addon will be automatically updated when a new...
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shots will go off. ...
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it also tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shot will go off. ...
[怀旧服]LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor
[经典旧世]LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor
LibClassicSwingTimerAPI There is no relevant WOW API to have an easily accessible state of the swing timer. This library fires custom EVENTS that can be used in other ADDONs to produce swing timer information.Usage example:Use in Addonlocal SwingTimerLib = LibStub("LibClassicSwingTimerAPI", ...
LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor