[怀旧服]LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor
[经典旧世]LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor
WST这个插件适用于wow classic怀旧服,可以监控自身以及目标的攻击间隔,如果你是猎人也可以监控你的攻击...
Took swing timer lib inside project for now, couple tweaks to support… Dec 16, 2023 .gitignore Minimal update for new WoW Classic version, Interface code changed Jan 20, 2023 .pkgmeta Removed outdated tag for LibCustomGlow May 9, 2023 CHANGELOG.md Update CHANGELOG.md May 10, 2023 FUNDING...
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shots will go off. ...
"UNIT_SWING_TIMER_CLIPPED", SwingTimerEventHandler) SwingTimerLib.RegisterCallback(f, "UNIT_SWING_TIMER_PAUSED", SwingTimerEventHandler) SwingTimerLib.RegisterCallback(f, "UNIT_SWING_TIMER_STOP", SwingTimerEventHandler) SwingTimerLib.RegisterCallback(f, "UNIT_SWING_TIMER_DELTA", SwingTimerEventHa...
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it also tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shot will go off. ...
你的键位以及对图腾进行监视我个人使用的是SamyTotemTimers,类似的插件有很多如TotemTimers Classic,选择自己喜欢的===DBM/Bigwigs“不装DBM的给我出本”===平砍计时条在tbc版本中,因为没有那么多近战,所以boss的平砍变得容易观测,从而催生出了压平砍技巧,而这种技巧需要平砍计时条插件WeaponSwingTimer 效果如下: 具体...
WeaponSwingTimer无法调出来 需要下载。WeaponSwingTimer设置需要下载插件。weaponswingtimer是魔兽世界中的全职业自动攻击的计时条插件,支持怀旧服版本,同时已经汉化。它可以将全职业的普通攻击间隔计时弄成法术计时条供玩家参考,比如猎人的自动射击,法师法杖敲人的攻
LibClassicSwingTimerAPI 插件运行库 当前评分:162.6 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 31846 最后更新:2024-09-05 01:01 插件大小:31.76kb 最新版本号:v2.1.3 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Ralgathor