Download an addon of your choice from any site; Extract the downloaded archive (.zip, .rar); Place the files into your World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/Add-ons or C:\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns folder. Log in to the game, click the Addons tab located in the...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
By default, you cannot see the duration of debuffs when you target an enemy, even your own DoT effects. Classic Aura Durations puts a timer on the debuffs to how you how long is left, making it look closer to how it does in modern WoW. 2.9. Vendor Price Vendor Price In WoW Classic...
<SubAddon name="Atlas_Battlegrounds"> <Title>战场</Title> </SubAddon> <SubAddon name="Atlas_BurningCrusade"> <Title>燃烧的远征</Title> </SubAddon> <SubAddon name="Atlas_Cataclysm"> <Title>大地的裂变</Title> </SubAddon> <SubAddon name="Atlas_ClassicWoW"> <Title>经典旧...
Addon Compatibility: (Always make sure you are running the latest versions. Prat Having an issue using the most recent versions of WIM and PRAT 3.0 on WoW Classic (Classic Era) for message formatting receiving the following errors when responding or chatting. This only occurs when I have Prat...
Advanced Interface Options Classic This addonallows you to change a lot of UI options that are normally hidden, such as Floating Combat Text customization options, mouse wheel chat scrolling, the displaying of Lua errors, among other options. ...
Accountant Classic by arith. A basic tool to track your monetary incomings and outgoings within WoW. Accurate coordinates (DCOORDS) by Darcey. A small lightweight coordinates AddOn. Acheron by nikkodemus. Provides an easily readable glimpse into the cause of death for anyone in your raid or ...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for hunters! Hunters are known for their unique and intense connection to animals, earning the respect of one to fight alongside in combat. Armed with a bow and supported by beast, hunters are fantastic at taking
Atlas_ClassicWoW AttackTimer Auctionator AutoLoggerClassic BasicMinimap BasicMinimap_Options BattleInfo BetterVendorPrice BiaoGe BigDebuffs BlizzMove BlizzMovePlugin_QuestTracker BlizzMove_Debug BuffTimers BugSack BuyEmAllClassic CChatFilter ChatBar Classic
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it also tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shot will go off. ...