Conjugationof the irregular Japanese verb "suru" into present tense, past tense, conditional, imperative, and more: suru (to do) Sentence Examples A few sentence examples using "suru": To Complete an Action The verb "suru" has many commonly-used applications. While it means "to do" on its...
Grammar Question:In the sentence below, why is there no form of ‘suru’ after the verbs in the ’tari’ forms?だから、一緒にスポーツをしたり、一緒にカラオケに行ったり、一緒に何かを楽しむための友人関係ですね。So it's a friendship where you play sports together, go to karaoke...
Mysore- a city in southern India to the southwest of Bangalore Bharat,India,Republic of India- a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 ...
The distinction between ICHIDAN and GODAN verbs is the explained in the Appendix to this text. More examples of the use of the passive as the potential form of verbs are found in Exercise D5, For further information see Makino and Tsutsui "Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar" (Pp370-373)...