Grammar Question:In the sentence below, why is there no form of ‘suru’ after the verbs in the ’tari’ forms?だから、一緒にスポーツをしたり、一緒にカラオケに行ったり、一緒に何かを楽しむための友人関係ですね。So it's a friendship where you play sports together, go to karaoke...
(Kento! Chikoku suru yo.) Kat: "Kent! You're gonna be late!" Naomi: Kent replied… 大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(Daijōbu… chikoku shinai yo.) Kat: "It's fine... I won't be late." We'll cover how this する (suru) became しない (shinai) more in the grammar section. ...
What Makes You Beautiful is the second Dance Crew with a difficulty of Easy and an effort rating of Intense, after Night Boat To Cairo. What Makes You Beautiful is the first multiplayer routine in the series where the pictograms have the same color as the coaches’ gloves. Both code names...
If you are in Japan, you will probably hear the wordarigatou(ありがとう) used on a regular basis. It is an informal way of saying "thank you." But it can also be used in conjunction with other words to say "thank you" in Japanese in more formal settings, such as an office or a...
I promise you, if you reply すごい (sugoi) to most everything that has a positive tone and body language, you'll sound like a native. This is hands down the most overused word in Japanese, and it’s a reply to everything. In fact, you’ll probably hear “すごい!” in reply to...
a! Nihon wa deki- nanka- Nihon ni zu:tto true ah Japan S can somehow Japan at always ita toki wa kekkon suru wa kangaeta koto nakatta. exist time S marry do S thought thing NEG:PST 166 G. FURUKAWA 10 Mittsun: 'right. ah! in Japan we- well, when I lived my life in Japan I...
Naomi: And when you put する (suru) after 出発 (shuppatsu), that becomes verb. Rebecca: To depart. Naomi: そうです。出発する。 (Sō desu. Shuppatsu suru.) Rebecca: Okay so can you give us some example sentences? Naomi: 明日、出発します。 (Ashita, shuppatsu shimasu.)...