Supporting Inclusive Science Classrooms: Strategies to improve accessibility and engagement for students with exceptionalitiesdoi:10.1080/00368148.2023.2292329SCIENCE classroomsSPECIAL education teachersUNIVERSAL designTEACHING teamsLESSON planningThis article explores a lesson on structure and funct...
Identification Issues and Possibilities Related to Students with Exceptionalities in Australian Schools Considered together, the two studies demonstrate the importance of unveiling the learning strengths and difficulties of twice-exceptional students. They also ... MA Haines,G Thraves,L Cornish 被引量: ...
Supporting Next Steps: An Applied Research Project Bridging High School to Adulthood for Students with Exceptionalities on an Evergreen Graduation Path Amy C. Blanchette Vancouver Island UniversitySome exceptional learners with neuro-developmental disabilities inclu...
The study examined how her approaches aligned with (a) high-leverage practices for students with exceptionalities and (b) classroom conditions that promote an environment for positive student behaviors. The results suggested that this PST was able to focus on the social context of...