Students with exceptionalities and the peer group context of bullying and victimization in late elementary school. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18 (2), 136–150.Estell, DB, Farmer, TW, Irvin, MJ, Akos, P, Boudah, DJ, Crowther, A (2009) Students...
to the point session as she shares proven strategies for building relationships with parents of students with exceptionalities. You'll gain resources, tools, and communication techniques to empower parents to become active partners in their child’s education journey. Get ready ...
Additionally, practical classroom examples, suggested teaching strategies, and questions for further examinations are discussed.KEYWORDS: Universal design for learning, problem solving, students with exceptionalities, mathematics 展开 关键词:Universal design for learning problem solving students with exceptional...
C.UniversityOwenUniversityloUniversityTaylor & Francis GroupThe Journal of Educational ResearchLo, C. (2014). Labeling and knowing: A reconcilia- tion of implicit theory and explicit theory among students with exceptionalities. Journal of Educa- tional Research. Advance online publication. doi: ...
The purpose of this study was to examine West Virginia Agricultural Education Teachers perceptions on involving students with exceptionalities in agricultural classrooms and laboratories. This study examined whether teachers felt confident, well-prepared, and if other students interact well with students wit...
Children with exceptionalities who need an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or have an existing one in place may not be able to speak for themselves. They need advocates. Much can be accomplished if parents and teachers work together to put the child's needs and...
> West Virginia Agricultural Education Teachers' Perceptions on Involving Students with Exceptionalities in Agricultural Classrooms and Laboratories. 作者: Watts, Ashley D. 页数: 126 订阅West Virginia Agricultural Education Teachers' Perceptions on Involving Students with Exceptionalities in Agricultural Class...
Although students with higher learning potential might include “gifted” students, underachieving able students, or students with dual or multiple exceptionalities (Wallace et al., 2009), they are not the focus in this study. The term students with higher learning potential constitutes a complex ...
This study sought to identify mainstreaming modifications judged to be important by ancillary professionals in recommending mainstreaming of students with mild exceptionalities. Data revealed that no significant differences were noted in number of selected modifications as a function of diagnostic category. ...
Ch 4.Exceptionalities & Gifted... Ch 5.Identification & Assessment of Gifted... Ch 6.Curriculum Planning for Gifted... Ch 7.Instructional Strategies for Gifted Students Best Practices for Teaching Gifted Students4:11 Teaching Communication Skills to Gifted Students ...