eRNA可能参与增强子-启动子环维持或招募特定转录因子,那么可以通过预测eRNA相关增强子、靶基因启动子的转录因子结合, eRNA相关增强子与eRNA靶基因启动子如果具有相同的转录因子结合,并且实验数据证明增强子和启动子具有DNA交互,即认为此eRNA参与了其相关增强子与靶基因启动子环维持或参与招募此转录因子。共挖掘到34个enhancer...
The biological functions of noncoding RNA N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification remain poorly understood. In the present study, we depict the landscape of super-enhancer RNA (seRNA) m6A modification in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and reveal a
Herein, we show that a JUN-mediated seRNA can form R-loop to regulate target genes to promote metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). A combination of global run-on sequencing, chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing, and RNA sequencing was used to screen seRNAs. A specific seRNA associated...
4. 分析超级增强子和下游靶基因,还可以将H3K27ac ChIP-seq与大家经常做的RNA-seq数据联合分析,以进一步预测超级增强子和下游靶基因的调控关系。这样可以充分利用起来我们之前的RNA-seq数据,不再对其”望洋兴叹”和“一筹莫展”啦! 通过上述的实验技术手段我们可以找到若干超级增强子,那么接下来该如何去研究这些Super ...
鉴定出超级增强子之后,可以根据基因位置预测超级增强子所调控的编码蛋白基因和非编码RNA的表达,通过结合转录组测序技术,可以对超级增强子和肿瘤异常高表达的mRNA、lncRNA、circRNA、miRNA进行关联分析,从而推断关键的超级增强子,进一步锁定肿瘤相关的基因,有利于指导下一步的抗肿瘤功能研究。 3. 其他资料 定义超级增...
microRNA super-enhancer broad H3K4me3 domain Drosha DGCR8 Brd4 cancer Introduction Gene regulation by cell-type-specific enhancers is fundamental to the organization of cell identity in development and dysregulation of cellular states in diverse diseases (Lee and Young, 2013). Super-enhancers (SEs) ar...
The lncRNA-DAW-mediated EZH2 degradation facilitated the de-repression of Wnt2 transcription, which eventually activated the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Furthermore, we verified that Wnt2 potentiated in vitro and in vivo cancer cell growth by activating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Finally, Wnt2 ...
1 . ChIP-seq 1.1. ChIP-seq可以告诉我们什么信息 1.2. TF-chip与Histonechip 1.3. superenhancer的分析 1.4. 高级分析 2 . RNA-seq 2.1. RNA-seq能告诉我们一些什么信息 2.2. mRNA建库,分析 2.3. ncRNA seq 2.4. go与kegg的意义与David网站 ...
Super-enhancers (SEs) consist of multiple stitched enhancers that are denser on the chromatin, forming a longer, more intense enhancer clusters than typical enhancers (TEs) [6]. A super transcriptional regulation complex or platform is consists of Mediators, RNA polymerase II and super-enhancer bou...
(Supplementary Fig.12), and both overlapped a long non-coding RNA gene,DIRC3. Other super-enhancers in this interval overlapping withIGFBP2andTNS1were more ubiquitously expressed across different tissues. In the HiChIP control set, these super-enhancers interacted with regions within the same TAD...