Diffraction sets a physical limit for the theoretically achievable resolution; however, it is possible to circumvent this barrier. That's what microscopists have been doing in recent years and in many ways at once, starting the era of super-resolution in light microscopy. High-resolution ...
Isotropic super-resolution light-sheet microscopy of dynamic intracellular structures at subsecond timescales Combining a double-ring modulated SPIM with reduced side lobes and a sectionalized deep-learning based super-resolution algorithm enables fast, high-resolution, volumetric imaging of organelle inter...
Abstract: 作为捕捉纳米分辨率生物标本图像的主流技术,电子显微镜(electron microscopy, EM)在扫描宽视场(field-of-view, FOV)标本时非常耗时。本文研究了一项具有挑战性的任务——大因子电磁图像超分辨(EM image super-resolution, EMSR),它在缩短扫描时间、放宽采集条件和扩大成像视场(FOV)方面大有可为。通过利用电磁...
"By combining the established concepts, we developed a new technique for super-resolution microscopy. Its main advantage is it enables extremely high resolution in three dimensions, despite using a relatively simple setup," says Dr. Jan Christoph Thiele, first author of the publication, Göttingen ...
Super-resolution microscopy (SRM) bypasses the diffraction limit, a physical barrier that restricts the optical resolution to roughly 250 nm and was previously thought to be impenetrable. SRM techniques allow the visualization of subcellular organization with unprecedented detail, but also confront ...
Super-resolution microscopy (SRM) describes a number of microscopy techniques that enable imaging of cellular structures at resolutions beyond the Abbe diffraction limit. Nano-Boosters, Nano-Labels, and Nano-Secondaries, which consist of Nanobodies conju
必应词典为您提供super-resolutionmicroscopy的释义,网络释义: 显微成像技术;超解析显微技术;超高解析度显微影像技术;
Super-resolution techniques, mainly developed over the past decade, circumvent the resolution barrier achieving resolutions that can be well below the conventional limit. Three super-resolution platforms are outlined in this chapter鈥攕tructured illumination microscopy, stimulated emission depletion microscopy...
Find out more about Leica super-resolution microscopy solutions and how they can empower you to visualize in fine detail subcellular structures and dynamics.
We have designed a fully automated optical microscope running at high-speed and achieving a very high spatial resolution. In order to overcome the resolution limit of optical microscopes, it exploits the localized surface plasmon resonance phenomenon. The customized setup using a polarization analyzer,...