Included in our dataset are the variables foreign, which marks domestic and foreign cars, and mpg, the car's mileage rating. Typing tabulate foreign displays a breakdown of the number of observations we have by the values of the foreign variable. . use
Reference Gleason, J. 1997. sg65: Computing intraclass correlations and large ANOVAs.Stata Technical Bulletin35: 25–31. Reprinted inStata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 6, pp. 167–176.
Provide a coherent set of easy-to-use descriptive functions that are akin to those included in commercial statistical software suites such as SAS, SPSS, and Stata Offer flexibility in terms of output format & content Integrate well with commonly used software & tools for reporting (theRStudioIDE...
To"" <> Subjectst: summarize conditions within subjects in panel data DateMon, 29 Nov 2010 11:56:48 -0600 Follow-Ups: st: RE: summarize conditions within subjects in panel data ...
Title misstable — Tabulate missing values Syntax Remarks and examples Menu Stored results Description Also see Options Syntax Report counts of missing values misstable summarize varlist if in , summarize options Report pattern of missing values misstable patterns varlist if in , patterns ...
Re: st: Is -collapse- the Stata's fastest routine to summarize data sets? From:Eric Booth <> Re: st: Is -collapse- the Stata's fastest routine to summarize data sets? From:Eric Booth <>...
TThheerreeffoorre, within 1D sellf--aasssseemmbbllyy, magnetite nanocrystals are aligned with their 〈111〉 aaxxeess ppaarraalllleell ttoo tthhee cchhaaiinn eelloonnggaattiioonn ((FFiigguurree 66 bblluuee ffrraammee,, ccoorrreessppoonnddininggtotommeessooccrryysstatal lTTyyppeeIIIininFFig...