result <- df %>% group_by(Category) %>% summarize(Count = n()) print(result) 这样就可以避免类型不匹配的问题。 总之,group_by和summarize是R中进行数据分组和汇总的强大工具,通过合理使用它们,可以高效地进行数据分析。 相关搜索: R/Shiny: Group by和Summarise在下拉列表中选择的列上? 多列上的panda...
(twitter) # textual analysis words_blogs <- stri_count_words(blogs) words_news <- stri_count_words(news) words_twitter <- stri_count_words(twitter) # summaries summary( words_blogs ) summary( words_news ) summary( words_twitter ) # plots library(ggplot2) qplot(words_blogs) qplot(words...
In addition, you could have a look at the related tutorials onmy website. A selection of articles is listed below: group_by & summarize Functions don’t Work Properly Count Number of Rows by Group Using dplyr Package Select Row with Maximum or Minimum Value in Each Group Introduction to R...
library(dplyr)df = data.frame(a=rep(1:3,4), b=rep(1:2,6))# Now add an extra level to df$b that has no corresponding value in df$adf$b = factor(df$b, levels=1:3)# Summarise with plyr, keeping categories with a count of zeroplyr::ddply(df, "b", summarise, count_a=lengt...
count=n(),dist=mean(distance,na.rm=TRUE),delay=mean(arr_delay,na.rm=TRUE))delay<-filter(delay,count>20,dest!="HNL")# It looks like delays increase with distance up to ~750 miles# and then decrease. Maybe as flights get longer there's more# ability to make up delays in the air?
We can also easily get a visual overview of the number of insertions & deletions in commits over time: commit.dat<-data.frame(edits=rep(c("Insertions","Deletions"),each=nrow(log)),commit=rep(1:nrow(log),2),count=c(log$total_insertions,-log$total_deletions)) ggplot(commit.dat, aes(...
I add the references (which should not count in the 200 word limit): Blood trace and body positioning: Matteo Borrini & Luigi Garlaschelli, A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin, J Forensic Sci, January 2019, Vol. 64, No. 1,
Values in chart Anonymous 12-26-2023 02:33 AM Summarise multiple columns based on one column. Plump_Lil_Monk 02-07-2024 01:32 PM Visual BAR Chart is autm summarising the count >10... Anonymous 10-27-2023 03:07 AM Featured Topics How to Get Your Question Ans...