A.Plant communities change in an orderly and predictable manner. B.Grasses tend to crowd out shrubs and follow them as the main species at a site. C.Eventually the composition of a plant community stops changing and stabilizes. D.The main cause of changes to plant communities is competition...
Down CG (1973) Life-form succession in plant communities on colliery waste. Environ Pollut 5:19–22Down, C. G. 1973 . Life-form succession in plant communities on colliery waste. Environ. Pollut 5: 19 – 22 .Down CG (1973) Life form succession in plant communities on colliery waste, ...
密码保护:Succession in Plant CommunitiesPosted on 09/03/2020 by 周, 周杰 此内容受密码保护。如需查阅,请在下列字段中输入您的密码。 密码: Posted in Uncategorized · 网站无需注册登陆,即可使用· 付费加密内容或福利资料请咨询· 课程规划请咨询顾问老师 联系我们|课程|咨询 & 报名 在线时间:周一至...
The history of biosis is the longtime process of succession characterizing the cyclical features of the succession and evolution of plant communities: succession-differentiation-extinction-evolution. 生命的历史是漫长攸久的演替过程表征着植物群落演替进化的周期性特征,即“演替-分化-灭绝-突变-进化”的过程。
In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy flood, or forest fire. An abandoned field, for instance, will be invaded successively by herbaceous plants...
Plant communities and ecosystem processes in seres at multiple altitudes in the tropical montane forest zone of northern Borneo were studied to understand the patterns and mechanisms of the secondary succession after shifting cultivation. A total of 25 stands (and additional three stands) were sampled...
Speciessuccessionin plant communities, i.e., the temporal sequence of appearance and disappearance of species is dependent on events occurring at different stages in the life history of a species. 植物群落里的物种演替,意思就是说,物种出现和消失的时间顺序是依赖于在一个物种的生存史中发生在不同阶段...
“community ecology” was on the composition and structure of communities consisting of different species. In the early twentieth century, the American ecologist Frederic Clements pointed out that a succession of plant communities would develop after a disturbance such as a volcanic eruption, heavy ...
consistingofdifferentspecies.Intheearlytwentiethcentury,theAmericanecologist FredericClementspointedoutthatasuccessionofplantcommunitieswoulddevelop afteradisturbancesuchasavolcaniceruption,heavyflood,orforestfire.An abandonedfield,forinstance,willbeinvadedsuccessivelybyherbaceousplants ...
However, in recent decades mowing has become too expensive over large areas, and fens and scrub have been left to develop naturally, leading to an increase in the area of fen carr woodland. After some decades natural succession in the fens leads to a decline of the quality of the reed ...